Managing Your BarTender Cloud Account |
Use the Administration menu to access the account management features that are available for your role, as follows:
Administrators can perform the following functions:
Configure global account information
View usage statistics and event log data
Manage user accounts, groups, and roles
Set up and manage spaces
Upload and manage fonts
Register a web application that can be used to access the BarTender Cloud REST API to automate printing processes
Both administrators and non-administrators (depending on their role and on the permissions that they are granted) can perform the following functions:
View subscription information
Manage printers
View and export print history data
Reprint whole print jobs or individual items
Use the My Profile page to update their profile information and upload a profile image for themselves Accessed from the Profile menu in the header bar of any BarTender Cloud page.
Use the BarTender Cloud API page to manage a private access token Accessed from the API Keys menu item
To access the Administration menu, click ,then click Administration.
Access to the BarTender Cloud REST API is included with the Automation subscription plan. |
Configuring General Information
Open the Administration menu and click Settings, Global Settings to display the Global Settings page, where you can configure the following information:
In the Company Information area, you can enter and edit your company's name and address and your organization domain ID and upload a logo.
In the Points of Contact area, you can add, change, or remove the email addresses of the users in your company who are points of contact for BarTender Cloud account notifications, billing notifications, and technical administration.
In the Security area, you can configure two-factor authentication, and specify a third-party authentication service.
Configure Print Settings
Open the Administration menu and click Settings, Print Settings to display the Print Settings page, where you can specify print settings, reprint settings, and the print history data retention policy that you want to use.
Viewing Print History Data and Reprinting Items
Open the Print menu and click Print HIstory/Reprint to display the Print History page, which you can use to view, sort, and filter your print history data; to export data to an external file; and to reprint whole print jobs or individual printed items.
Creating and Modifying a User Account
Open the Administration menu and click Security, Users in the left navigation pane to display the Users page, where you can view, create, search, edit, and manage all your user accounts. This page displays user names, each user's roles, and their account status: Active, Deactivated, or Invited.
Creating and Modifying User Groups
Open the Administration menu and click Security, Groups to display the Groups page, which you can use to create, edit, and delete user groups.
Creating and Modifying User Roles
Open the Administration menu and click Security, Roles to display the Roles page, where you can view, create, search, edit, and manage all your user roles. You can create any number of roles to assign to your user accounts. These roles define the permissions that each user has to access BarTender Cloud features.
To modify an existing user role
Managing Printers
Open the Administration menu and click Printers to display the Printers page, which you can use to view your printers as organized by their location or by the groups they are assogned to. You can also create and modify printer groups. Click a location or group name, and then click a printer to open its Printer Details page, where you can view and manage the printer's print queue, permissions, settings, and so on.
Managing Spaces
If your subscription includes Spaces, Open the Administration menu and click Spaces to display the Spaces page, where you can organize files, apply published workflows, and create additional storage options.
Managing Fonts
Open the Administration menu and click Printers to open the BarTender Cloud Fonts page, where you can upload and manage custom TrueType and OpenType fonts.
Accessing the BarTender Cloud REST API
Open the Administration menu and click API Keys to display the BarTender Cloud API page, which you can use to view, copy, and refresh a private access token and/or to register a web application with BarTender Cloud.
Access to the BarTender Cloud REST API is included with the Automation subscription plan. |
Viewing Usage Data
Open the Administration menu and click Usage to display the Usage page, on which you view your account usage information.
Configuring Your User Profile Settings
Expand the Profile menu () and select My Profile to display the My Profile page, where you can view and edit your user profile, including general information and contact information. You can also use this page to send a password reset email message and to opt in or out of receiving email newsletters from Seagull Scientific about BarTender Cloud.
The following options are available:
User Information: In this area, you can upload an image to use as a profile image and enter basic information such as name, address, job title, and company name.
Contact Information: In this area, you can enter or edit your email address and phone number.
Security: In this area, you can view information about the last time your account password was reset, and you can click Reset Password to send a password reset email message.
Terms/Email Preference: In this area, you can click to view the BarTender Cloud Terms of Service and subscribe or unsubscribe from receiving email newsletters about BarTender Cloud.
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