Use the BarTender Cloud API page to register and manage web-based (OAuth access) and console (password-based access) applications, and to view, copy, and refresh your access token.
Click to open the BarTender Cloud menu, then select Administration and click API Keys to display this page.
To register a web application for OAuth access
The OAuth protocol requires that the client application provide users with a BarTender Cloud sign-in form, and it grants access to only the specific client that the user is signed in to. Seagull recommends that you use the OAuth protocol for web-based applications.
To register an application for password-based access
This type of access is required when your application cannot provide users with a BarTender Cloud sign-in form, which is typical for console applications and services that do not have a GUI.
After you register your applications, they are listed in a table on this page.
To edit a registration
In the row for the application you want to edit, click and select Edit.
In the Edit Web Application Registration dialog modify the following information as needed:
Login URI
Callback List
Logout URLs
Allowed Origins (CORS)
Allowed Web Origins
Click Save.
To delete a registration
In the row for the application you want to delete, click and select Delete.
In the Delete Application Registration dialog, click Delete Registration.
To view, copy, or rotate an ID and Secret
In the row for the application you want to work with, click and select View ID & Secret.
To copy the ID or Secret, click .
To rotate the ID or Secret, click Rotate ID & Secret.
To close the dialog, click Close.
To view, copy, or refresh your access token
In the Test Credentials section, click View Access Token.
The Personal Access Token dialog opens.
To copy the access token to your clipboard, click Copy Access Token.
To obtain a new access token, click Refresh Access Token.
An access token is required to connect to the BarTender Cloud API. This token must be refreshed every six months. The easiest way to refresh the token is to visit the Print page. Each time you visit the print page, a new access token is downloaded automatically by BarTender Cloud.
To close the dialog, click Close.
Authorized users can use these applications to access the BarTender Cloud REST API and then use the API to automate printing processes. For more information, refer to Authentication.
You can control what columns are displayed and what columns are hidden in this list by clicking and selecting the columns to show and hide from the list. The Application Name column is always displayed and cannot be hidden.
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