BarTender Cloud Fonts

Use the BarTender Cloud Fonts page to upload and manage custom TrueType fonts (.ttf) and OpenType fonts (.otf) for use with your .btw files and those documents created or edited with the Online Designer.

With BarTender Cloud you can use any TrueType fonts and OpenType fonts. Font Manager enables you to upload .ttf and .otf files for use when designing and printing documents. These uploaded fonts, along with BarTender's standard set of fonts, are available to your company's printers. All BarTender Cloud users in your organization have access to these fonts.

The BarTender Cloud Fonts page also displays the system (Standard Fonts tab) and symbol (Symbol Fonts tab) fonts that are installed with BarTender Cloud. These fonts are always available for use.

Seagull officially supports only .ttf and .otf font file formats. It is possible to upload other types of fonts using Font Manager; however, Seagull discourages doing so since these fonts may not print correctly.

In This Section

  • Uploading and Removing Fonts

    Learn how to upload custom fonts to BarTender Cloud, and how to remove custom fonts you no longer use from the Font Manager.