Data Entry Property Page

Use the Data Entry property page to specify the print-time behavior of a control, including how often it requests data during a print job, what default data appears in the reply box, and whether it is included in the tab order of the data entry form.

For each event (print job, copy, serial number, or record), BarTender determines whether any controls on the form require input for that event. If so, the form is displayed again with only those controls available, and all other controls appear as "read-only."

The following options are available.

Date Entry Options

Focus Behavior


After you link your data entry control to a data source, you can customize one or more of the following validation options, depending on the control that is selected.

You can find these same validation options on the Transforms tab of the Data Sources property page for the template object that is associated with the data entry control.

Supported Controls

This property page is available for the following controls: