Available Controls

Data entry forms support the following controls.


Control name


Text Input Box

Prompts the user to enter a value into a text box.

Dropdown List

Prompts the user to select one option from a predefined list of options. When the dropdown list is inactive, it displays a single value. When it is active, it displays the entire list of options.

List Box

Prompts the user to select one option from a predefined list of options that are displayed in a box.

Check Box

Allows for one of two possible data source values to be selected for the form: a checked value or an unchecked value.

Radio Button List

Prompts the user to select one option from a predefined list of options.

Dropdown Text Input Box

Creates a text box into which a user can enter several lines of data but which uses only one line of space when it is not selected.

Word Processor Input Box

Creates a field into which a user can enter multiple lines of data by using familiar word processing formatting tools.

Group Box

Creates a visual box on the form that acts as a container to group a set of controls together, which adds structure to the data entry form.

Group Divider Line

Creates a vertical or horizontal three-dimensional line on the form, which you can use to add structure to the data entry form.


Creates a button on the data entry form that the user can click to complete a previously configured action.

Number Input Box

Prompts the user to select a numerical value.


Prompts the user to select a numerical value from a specified range by using a moving value indicator.

Date Picker

Prompts the user to select a date from a calendar.

Time Picker

Prompts the user to enter a time value into a text box.

Month Calendar

Prompts the user to select a date from a month calendar box.

Record Picker

Creates a Select Records dialog on a data entry form from which users can select the database records that they want to be included in the print job.

Dropdown Record Picker

Creates a dropdown menu that contains a database record set from which users can select a single record.

Scale Display

Prompts the user for a weight from a weighing scale that is connected to the computer.

Image Capture

Prompts the user to select an image from a file or to capture an image from an attached camera or scanner.

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