Text Format Property Page

Use the Text Format property page of your text and barcode objects to configure text formatting options, including text wrapping, indentation and spacing, tab stops, columns, and reading order. In the case of barcode objects, the formatting that you apply here affects the human readable characters.

To configure font options such as bold, italics, typeface, and type size, refer to the Font Property Page.

You can access the Text Format property page by using one of the following methods: 

The text format options are organized on the property page by tabs. The tabs that are available depend on whether you are configuring a barcode object or a text object. Transform-specific tabs are available only when you configure a text object and select a transform for the object.

Text transforms are automatically applied to the text object when you add a predefined transformed text object from the object toolbar. For more information about the different types of text objects and transforms, refer to Types of Text Objects.

The following options and tabs are available on the page: 

Default Tabs

The Text Format property page includes the following default tabs.

ClosedWrap Tab

Use the Wrap tab to set text wrapping and alignment options for the selected object.

This tab is available for all text object transform types except arc.

The following options are available:

ClosedIndentation and Spacing Tab

Use the Indentation and Spacing tab to specify the paragraph indentation and line spacing for text format types that support multiple lines of text.

This tab is available only when you select Wrap to fit width on the Wrap tab or when you select Wrap to Fit on the Arc tab.

The following options are available: 

ClosedTabs Tab

Use the Tabs tab to set tab stops for the line or paragraph of text. Tab stops define where the cursor stops when you press the Tab key on your keyboard or insert an <HT> character from the Insert Symbols or Special Characters dialog.

The following options are available: 

ClosedLayout Tab

Use the Layout tab to specify the height, number of columns, column spacing, and reading order for the selected text.

The following options are available: 

Transform-Specific Tabs

The following tabs are available on the property page when you select the corresponding transform for a text object.

ClosedArc Tab

When you select the arc transform for a text object, you can use the Arc tab to set the alignment, amount of curvature, and angle of the text.

You can also drag the yellow sizing handles to adjust the appearance of the text object.

The following options are available on the Arc tab:

ClosedBend Tab

When you select the bend transform for a text object, you can use the Bend tab to specify the direction, side movement, and perspective effect for the text.

You can also drag the yellow sizing handles to adjust the appearance of the text object.

This transform behaves like a skew transform that slants text in two directions; the slant effect stops at the middle of the text and then reverses direction, making the text symmetrical.

The following examples show some basic settings for the transform. These examples have been additionally manipulated by dragging the object's yellow sizing handles for different visual effects.

Same Direction
Opposite Directions

This effect is sometimes called a chevron, but you can create other effects with it. For more information, refer to Bend and Skew Text Examples.

The following options are available on the Bend tab:

To adjust the degree of side movement of a selected bend text object, drag the yellow sizing handle to adjust the appearance. Objects that have a Side Movement setting of Independent have two sizing handles, because the degree of bend for the top and bottom or left and right of the text line can be controlled independently. You can use the options of the bend text object to create various text effects. For more information, refer to Bend and Skew Text Examples.

ClosedCurve Tab

When you select the curve transform for a text object, you can use the Curve tab to specify the direction, side movement, and perspective effect for the text.

You can also drag the yellow sizing handles to adjust the appearance of the text object.

The following examples show some basic settings for the transform. These examples have been additionally manipulated by dragging the object's yellow sizing handles for different visual effects.

Same Direction
Opposite Directions

The following options are available on the Curve tab:

To adjust the degree of side movement of a selected curve text object, drag the yellow sizing handle to adjust the appearance. Objects that have a Side Movement setting of Independent have two sizing handles, because the degree of curve for the top and bottom or left and right of the text line can be controlled independently.

ClosedSkew Tab

When you select the skew transform, you can use the Skew tab to specify the direction, movement, and perspective effect for the text.

You can also drag the yellow sizing handles to adjust the appearance of the text object.

The following examples show some basic settings for the transform. These examples have been additionally manipulated by dragging the object's yellow sizing handles for different visual effects.

Same Direction
Opposite Directions

The following options are available on the Skew tab:

ClosedWave Tab

When you select the wave transform, you can use the Wave tab to specify the number of waves that appear in the text and the wave direction.

You can also drag the yellow sizing handles to adjust the appearance of the text object.

The following examples show some basic settings for the transform.

Five Waves,
Vertical Wave Direction
Two Waves,
Horizontal Wave Direction

The following options are available on the Wave tab:

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