Item Properties Dialog

Use the Item Properties dialog, which you can access by clicking New Item or Edit Item on the Inventory menu, to create a new inventory item or edit an existing item. You can enter information to uniquely describe the item, to specify where quantities of the item are stored, and to track the item's usage.

The following tabs are available.

ClosedItem Tab

Use the Item tab to enter or modify information that describes the inventory item. The following options are available:

ClosedInventory Tab

Use the Inventory tab to specify where quantities of the item are stored and to configure alert message notifications when quantities of the item in inventory are running low. The following options are available.


Inventory Alert

ClosedUsage Tab

Use the Usage tab to track an item's usage and to specify usage tracking parameters. To modify the usage settings for an item that was moved into a printer, use the Item Usage dialog. The following options are available.

Item Usage

Low Level (Yellow)

Critical Level (Red)