Send Email |
The Send Email action sends an email to the email accounts that you specify.
You can configure the following properties for the Send Email action:
Name: Specifies the name of the action. If desired, you can replace the default name by typing a new name in the field.
Description: Allows you to save a description for the action.
Run Action: Allows you to specify how often you want to run the action.
Always: Specifies that the Integration Service will run the action each time it runs the integration.
Never: Specifies that the Integration Service will not run the action when it runs the integration.
Conditionally, based on variable: Specifies that the Integration Service will run the action only when a selected variable meets a specified condition. Use this option in situations where there is only one condition that determines whether or not the action will run. Once you have enabled this option, you can create the conditional statement in the input box provided.
Conditionally, based on expression: Specifies the conditions under which the Integration Service will run the action. Use this option for situations that require more than one conditional statement. Once you have enabled this option, you can create the conditional expression in the input box provided by creating the desired conditional statements. You create and edit your conditional expression on the Tree View tab. Click the Text View tab to see a read-only text view of the conditional expression.
Email Header
For each of the Email Header fields, enter the content that you want. Alternatively, you can add a variable to specify the content that you want. You can also add a special character to the value you have entered.
Subject: Specifies the email subject line. Enter the subject line for the email message.
Importance: Specifies the importance level that is assigned to the email message. (There is no variable option for this field.)
To: Enter one or more recipient email addresses separated by a semicolon or comma.
CC: Enter one or more Cc recipient email addresses separated by a semicolon or comma.
BCC: Enter one or more Bcc recipient email addresses separated by a semicolon or comma.
From/Reply-to: Specifies the "From" or "Reply to" address for the email.
Email Message
Source: Specifies the source for the data that is to be sent in the message body.
Value: Use the input box to enter the email message that you want the action to send. Alternatively, you can enter a variable for the message content, add a variable, or add a special character to the value you have entered.
Import: Opens the Open File dialog so that you can browse to and select a file that contains the data that you want. The contents of the file are imported into the Value input box.
Export: Opens the Save File dialog so that you can save the contents of the Value input box as an external file. You can save the value as a new file or replace the contents of an existing file.
Variable: Type the variable that you want to use for the source. Alternatively, you can add a variable.
External File:
Location: Specifies the file system where the source folder exists. File systems or locations can include local file systems or network shares, Librarian, or a supported cloud storage location. For more information about supported cloud storage locations, see Administration Console's
File Name: Specifies the file path. You can type the folder location and file name or click Browse to locate and select the desired file. Alternatively, you can add a variable to specify the desired file, or add a special character to the value you have entered.
File Encoding: Specifies the encoding used by the source file.
Encoding: Specifies the encoding of the message body.
Message Format: Specifies the message format that will be used for the email message.
Auto: Specifies that the Integration Service will automatically determine whether the message content is HTML or text format.
Text: Specifies that the message content is text format.
HTML: Specifies that the message content is HTML format.
Add Attachment: Click this option to display a dropdown list from which you can select the type of attachment that you want to add to the email. Attachment options include:
Embedded Template: Adds a new embedded template row to the Attachments list. Click the icon within the row to open the Attach Embedded Template dialog, where you can specify the embedded template that you want to attach.
Variable: Opens the Insert Variable dialog, where you can select the variable that you want to use for your attachment. After you select a variable and close the dialog, the variable is added to a new row in the Attachments list. Click the icon within the row to open the Attach Variable dialog, where you can edit your variable selection and specify additional options for the attachment.
External File: Opens a file browser, where you can select the file that you want to use for your attachment. After you select a file and close the browser window, the file is added to a new row in the Attachments list. Click the icon within the row to open the Attach External File dialog, where you can edit your file selection and specify additional options for the attachment.
Files in Folder: Opens a file browser, where you can select the folder that you want to use for your attachment. After you select a folder and close the browser window, the folder is added to a new row in the Attachments list. Click the icon within the row to open the Attach Files in Folder dialog, where you can edit your folder selection and specify additional options for the attachment.
When you select Files in Folder as the attachment source, an attachment is created for each file that is found in the folder at the time the action is run. |
Attachments list: Lists the attachments for the email in a table format. For each attachment that is listed, you can click the following columns and controls to edit the attachment:
Name: By default, displays the actual name of the attachment. For example, if you add a variable attachment and select the variable "PrintJobStatus", then the display name is "PrintJobStatus". You can enter a new name if you want.
Source: By default, displays the source of the attachment. For example, if you add an external file attachment, the source is listed as External File. You can change the attachment source by clicking this field and selecting the source that you want from the list.
Value: Displays source value information for the attachment. For example, the value of an external file attachment displays the path and file name for the file. You can edit this field manually.
: Opens the Attach dialog, where you can configure additional options for the selected attachment.
: Deletes the selected attachment.
Internet Mail Setup
Mail Server: Specifies the mail server that is used to send the email. Enter the mail server that you want in the input box. Alternatively, you can add a variable to specify the mail server. You can also add a special character to the value you have entered.
Mail From: Specifies a "From" email address for the email server. Enter the email address that you want in the input box. Alternatively, you can add a variable to specify the "From" address. You can also add a special character to the value you have entered.
Requires authentication: Specifies that authentication is required and a user name and password must be provided.
User Name: Specifies the user name for authentication.
Password: Specifies the password for authentication.
Port: Specifies the TCP port used by the mail server.
Network Timeout: Specifies the maximum amount of time to wait for a response from the receiving Post Office Protocol/Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (POP/SMTP) server.
Encrypt connection data using Secure Socket Layer (SSL/TLS): Enables Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) support.
Test Send Email
Test: Runs the action. The Message pane displays information on the success or failure of the action.
Clicking the Test button executes the action only and does not run the integration. Therefore the action will run without any data from the integration that you may have configured it to use. For information on testing your integration, refer to Using the Test Pane. |
User Account
Inherit from parent action: When enabled, the action inherits the user account credentials specified on the Actions property page. Alternatively, if the action is part of a Group action, it will inherit the user account credentials specified on the immediate parent Group action’s property page.
Specify user credentials: When enabled, the action runs using the credentials specified.
Error Handling and Diagnostics
Ignore errors and continue running actions: When enabled, specifies that if the action fails, the remaining actions will continue to run.
When this property is not enabled and the action fails, the resulting behavior depends on the following scenarios:
If the selected action is within a Group action, no actions outside of that Group action are affected. |
Retry if failed: When enabled, specifies that if the action fails, the Integration Service will try to run it again.
Maximum retries: Specifies the maximum number of times the Integration Service will try to run the action again. Available when Retry if failed is enabled.
Retry interval: Specifies the amount of time the Integration Service will wait after the action has failed before trying to run the action again. Available when Retry if failed is enabled.