Embedded Templates |
An embedded template is the data or variable, or any combination of data and variables, that you specify as the source content to use for a selected action. Depending on the action selected, this source content may also be identified as one of the following:
Embedded script
Embedded message
Embedded command
You can specify the source content using one of the following methods:
Type the desired text in the Value input box.
Add a variable or add a special character to the value you have entered. Once you have selected the variable and closed the Insert Variable dialog, the variable appears in the Value input box. When the Integration Service runs the action, the variable's value is used as the source content.
Click and select Special Character to open the Insert Symbols or Special Characters dialog. Once you have selected the desired symbol or character and closed the dialog, the symbol or character appears in the Value input box.
Click Import to browse to and select a file containing the desired source content. Once selected, the contents of the file are imported into the Value input box.
You can add any combination of text, variables, and special characters to create the source content you want the action to use. For instance, if you select Embedded Template for the Source property of a Write File action, you might enter the following text/variable combination in the Value input box:
Today is %EventDate%
When the integration service runs the action on May 4, 2016, the action will write a text file containing the text "Today is 5/4/2016".