Controls Pane

The Controls pane of the Toolbox, available when designing the data entry form, provides easy access to each of the data entry controls. Using the Controls pane, you can easily add controls to the data entry form, and enable data entry for any object or data source on your template.

To add a control to the data entry form, click a control of the desired type and, while holding down the mouse button, drag the mouse to the desired location and release the button. To modify the object's properties, open the Properties dialog by double-clicking on the object or selecting Properties from the context menu.

The following data entry controls are available:

Text.  Text that cannot be modified at print-time.

Text Input Box.  A data entry field into which data is entered in response to a user prompt.

Number Input Box. A data entry field into which a number is entered in response to a user prompt.

Check Box.  A box that permits a user to make multiple selections of a number of options.

Radio Button List.  A list of options where the user can only select one of the predefined options by selecting a radio button.

List Box.  A list of options where the user can only select one of the predefined options in a box.

Dropdown List.  A list of options where the user can only select one of the predefined options in a box.

Date Picker. A data entry field that permits a user to select a date from a calendar or enter a date manually.

Time Picker. A data entry field into which a time is entered in response to a user prompt.

Month Calendar. A calendar on the data entry form from which the user may select a date.

Group Box.  A box used to group controls together on the data entry form.

Line.  A line used to separate groups of controls on the data entry form.

Picture.  A picture to be added to the data entry form.

Image Capture.  A real-time image capture control used to capture photographs or scanned images.

Scale Display.  An interactive scale that displays the weight currently applied to the scale installed on your computer.

 Data Sources Pane • Overview of the Toolbox