Picture Property Page

The Picture property page contains options which allow you to choose which picture to import, how to import it, and how BarTender will respond if the original picture file is not found at print time. The Picture property page only allows you to determine the image that will print on your items; adjustments to the position of the image are made using the mouse or the Position property page and modifications to the appearance are usually made using the Size, Picture Adjustments, Cropping, and/or Effects property pages. The Edit Picture button allows for additional modifications to embedded pictures using your computer's default image editing software.

BarTender allows users to import and export a number of raster and vector formats. See Supported Image Formats for a complete list of all supported formats.

Picture Source

The options listed below are located in a dynamic area of the Picture property page; the options available depend on which Picture Source you select.

Embedded Picture

External Picture File

Binary Database Field

Print-Time Image Capture

Encoded Picture Data


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