General Property Page

Click General in the left navigation pane to display this property page, which you can use to view and (if you are an administrator) edit your company information, subscription information, points of contact, and timeout settings. The options that are available vary depending on your user role and include the following.

Company Information

  • Company Name: Specifies the name of your company. If you are an administrator, you can click Change to make edits.

  • Company Primary Address: Specifies your company's address. If you are an administrator, you can click Change to make edits.

  • Support Number: Displays the subscription ID for your BarTender Cloud account. This ID is used by the Seagull Scientific Technical Services team when they provide technical support.

  • Subscription Plan: Displays your subscription plan type.

  • Valid Through: Displays your subscription plan's expiration date and the amount of time that remains until the plan expires.

Points of Contact

  • Primary Email: Specifies the email address of the user who is the primary contact for the account.

  • Billing Email: Specifies the email address of the users who manage billing for the account. To add contacts, click Add, and then select the contacts that you want in the list. To delete a contact, click .

  • Technical Administration Email: Specifies the email address of the users who manage the technical settings for the account. To add contacts, click Add, and then select the contacts that you want in the list. To delete a contact, click .


  • Automatically warn and log out inactive users: Specifies that users are warned and then automatically signed out of BarTender Cloud after the specified number of minutes has elapsed with no user activity. The following options are available: 

    • Logout Time: Specifies the number of minutes that you want to elapse before the user is signed out.

    • Warn Time: Specifies the number of minutes before the automatic signout occurs that you want the warning to be issued.