Printing Documents

You can easily print BarTender documents from Print Station by clicking the BarTender document or process file or by running a BTXML script file. To start these print methods, click the *.btw, *.btproc, or *.btxml file that you want in the browser window. When you click the file, a print dialog is displayed that you can use to send the print request. The options that are available on the print dialog vary depending on the file type that you select to print.

When Immediately print is selected for the On mouse click setting in the Administrative Setup dialog, user input cannot be used. Although the print dialog might be displayed briefly after you click a file, the print request is automatically sent, and the dialog closes without user input.

ClosedPrinting BarTender Documents

When you click a BarTender (*.btw) document in the browser window, the Print Document dialog opens.

The options that are available in the Print Document dialog depend on the features that are configured on the Administrative Setup dialog and include the following: 



If you specify the number of serialized items to print, Print Station automatically saves the document after it prints the item. The next time that you print the document, the serialized field is set to the next number in the sequence.

ClosedPrinting BarTender Process Files

When you click a BarTender process file (*.btproc) in the browser window, the Print BarTender Process File dialog opens.

The following options are available in the Print BarTender Process File dialog: 

ClosedPrinting BTXML Script Files

When you click a BTXML script file (*.btxml) in the browser window, the Print Document dialog opens.

The following options are available in the Print Document dialog: 

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