Print Results Dialog

The Print Results dialog displays messages that BarTender returns that describe the status of a print job. These messages include errors, warnings, and informational messages that BarTender may encounter, and you can filter them by severity.

The messages that are displayed in the dialog are specified by the BarTender print messages to show option, which you can configure in the Administrative Setup dialog. When you configure this option to return informational messages, the Print Results dialog is displayed even when a print job is successful, because BarTender returns a "print success" message. If there are no messages that match the severity level that is specified by the option, the Print Results dialog is not displayed.

The Print Results dialog includes the following options:

You can use any file to impersonate a BarTender document, BTXML script file, or process file by naming the file with the appropriate file name extension. If one of these files is printed or run, Print Station passes the file directly to BarTender. Any errors that BarTender encounters when it processes the file are displayed in the Print Results dialog.