Checking In a File

When you check a file in to Librarian, you submit any changes that you made to the file to Librarian. This file becomes the latest revision of the file and receives a new revision number. Other users can then check out this latest revision.

Whenever you check a file in to Librarian, a good practice is to add a comment to the revision that describes the changes that were made. By default, Librarian requires users to add a comment, but you can remove this requirement by clearing the Comment required check box in the System Setup dialog.

ClosedTo check a file in to Librarian

  1. In the Folders pane, browse to the directory in which the file resides.

  2. In the Files pane, select the file.

  3. Open the Check In File(s) dialog by using one of the following methods:

    • Right-click the file, and then click Check In.

    • On the File menu, click Check In.

  4. In the Check In File(s) dialog, browse to the location where the file is saved on your computer, select the file if it is not already selected, and then click Check In.

  5. In the Comments field, add a comment. This step is optional when the Comment required check box is not selected.

  6. In the New State list, click the workflow state that you want to assign to the file. Only file states that have the Allowable initial state option selected in the Workflow Setup dialog are available.

  7. If you want to immediately edit the file, click to select the Leave file checked out check box.

  8. Click Check In to complete the check-in process.