Workflow Setup Dialog

Use the Workflow Setup dialog to create, edit, and manage the states of your workflow in Librarian. By using this dialog, you can add file states, remove existing states, and specify the hierarchy of states to use when a workflow is in progress. The following options are available.

File States Pane

The File States pane lists the available states that you can assign to a file. By using the toolbar at the bottom of the pane, you can manage your file states, as follows:

  Adds a new file state to the bottom of the file state list.

  Removes the selected file state.

  Renames the selected file state.

  Moves the selected file state up one level in the list.

  Moves the selected file state down one level in the list.

Properties for Selected State Pane

For each file state that is listed, another state can precede and/or follow it. Use the Properties for Selected State pane to specify the preceding and following states that can be used for each file state in the workflow.

The following options are available: