Assigning States to Files

All files that are stored in the Librarian repository are assigned a state. A state is an attribute that is assigned to a file to identify its progress through a workflow. By using the state of a file, you can determine whether a file was recently added to the repository or is in the development process. When a file is modified, the state can be updated to reflect its progress. The transitions between different files states define a workflow.

Librarian comes installed with a default set of commonly used states. You can also create and customize states by using the Workflow Setup dialog. After you set up and define the states that you want, you can start to assign states to the files in the repository.

ClosedTo assign and/or change a file's state

  1. In the Folders pane, browse to the directory where the file resides.

  2. In the Files pane, click the file that you want.

  3. Open the Change State dialog by using one of the following methods:

    • Open the context menu for the selected file, and then click Change State

    • On the File menu, click Change State.

  4. In the Comments field, enter a description of the reason for the state change. This step is optional but recommended so that other users can trace the status of the file.

  5. For New State, select the state that you want in the list.

    The list contains all states that can succeed the currently assigned state, as defined in the Workflow Setup dialog. If no state is currently assigned to the file, all states appear in the list.

  6. Click OK to assign a state to the selected file.