View Menu

The View menu contains options that allow you to change the size and position of the template and switch to and from the data entry form. These options do not change the actual design or contents of your template in any way. Only the viewing size and position change. The View menu also allows you to access the BarTender Document Options dialog, which contains the ruler, grid, and zoom factor settings.

Important Viewing Feature: The Find Template Button

When using BarTender's scrolling tools, especially in combination with the zoom commands in the View menu, it is possible to "lose" the template by scrolling it completely out of the design area. When this occurs, BarTender displays a Find Template button on the right side of your top ruler. Click on this button to have BarTender automatically find the template and center it in the design area. A similar function is provided when designing the data entry form.

To center the template in the design area, press HOME on your keyboard.

The View menu options are summarized below.