Create View

The Create view is displayed by default when the Actions page first opens. You can display it at any time by clicking the Create tab on the ribbon. This view includes the following components.

ClosedEvents Pane

The Events pane is located on the left side of the Create view. It lists all the available events and any actions that are associated with those events. When you click an event (that has one or more actions) or an action in this pane, the name is highlighted, and information about the event or action is displayed in the properties tabs to the right of the Events pane.

When you use the secondary mouse button to click an event or action, the following options are available: 

The order that the actions are listed in is relevant when you specify that you want the actions to run sequentially. For more information, refer to Execution Tab.

ClosedProperties Tabs

The properties tabs appear when you click an event (that has one or more actions) or an action in the Events pane.

When you click an event, you can use the Execution tab to configure settings that apply to all the actions for that event.

When you click an action, you can use the corresponding tabs to configure the settings for that action. The properties that are available in the properties tabs vary depending on the action that you select. For more information about the available action properties, refer to the help page for the specific action that you are configuring.