Available Actions

BarTender supports several different kinds of actions to help you meet your unique needs.

You can use the Search box on the New Action dialog to find the action that you want to add. To do this, select an action category in the left pane and then enter the action that you want in the Search box. In the list that appears, double-click the action that you want.

ClosedTransform Actions

Select from a wide variety of actions that manipulate data, such as searching and replacing, inserting or deleting text, transforming text to a record set, and more. The action can be as simple as replacing text in a file or as complex as using an XSLT stylesheet to transform XML into BTXML.



Insert After End of Source Text

Opens a specified source and inserts the provided text or characters at the end of the source text.

Insert Before Start of Source Text

Opens a specified source and inserts the provided text or characters at the beginning of the source text.

Search and Delete

Searches for and deletes text or characters in a specified source.

Search and Delete Everything After

Searches for text or characters in a specified source and deletes all the data after the found string.

Search and Delete Everything Before

Searches for text or characters in a specified source and deletes all the data before the found string.

Search and Insert After

Searches for text or characters in a specified source and inserts the provided content directly after it.

Search and Insert Before

Searches for text or characters in a specified source and inserts the provided content directly before it.

Search and Replace

Searches for text or characters in a specified source and replaces it with the provided content.

Transform Text to Record Set

Transforms an identified source of text into a record set for a specified database.

Transform XML using XSLT

Uses an XSLT stylesheet to transform another application's output XML from its original XML format into another XML format. The reformatted XML is then placed into an output variable.

ClosedInput Actions

Use input actions to specify a port, network socket, or file from which to receive data or, in the case of the Wait for File action, to monitor for the existence of a file.



Read File

Monitors a specified folder for a defined file type, reads the data that is contained in that file, and then saves the data to a variable.

Read from Network Socket

Reads from a network socket for incoming data.

Read from Serial Port

Reads from a serial port for incoming data.

Wait for File

Monitors a specified folder for a defined file type. When the file is detected, the action finishes and allows subsequent actions to run.

ClosedOutput Actions

Use output actions to send or write data to a specified output channel.



Send Email

Sends an email message to the email accounts that you specify.

Send to Message Queue

Writes a message to the Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ).

Send to Network Socket

Sends data on a TCP or UDP socket.

Send to Serial Port

Writes data to a serial port.

Send Web Service Request

Sends an HTTP request to a web service (REST or SOAP).

Show Message

Displays a message box to the user.

Show Web Page

Opens a web page in the default browser.

Write File

Writes a data string to a file.

ClosedExecute Actions

Use execute actions to print documents or BTXML script, group a subset of actions, send script commands, manipulate database records, and set variables for use by other actions.



BarTender Process

Prints multiple BarTender documents in a Process Builder process file or a legacy Batch Maker batch file.

Decrement Variable

Specifies a variable whose value you want to be decremented each time the action is run.

For Each Database Record

Runs a database query and actions for each record.

For Each File in Archive

Runs a group of one or more actions on every file in an archive folder that matches the specified criteria.

For Each File in Folder

Runs a group of one or more actions on every file in a folder that matches the specified criteria.

For Loop

Specifies that a group of one or more actions continues to run sequentially until a specified value is reached by either incrementing or decrementing an assigned variable value with each loop iteration.

Go To

Jumps to a specified action to continue the run operation.


Specifies a subgroup of actions for an event. The actions in the group can be run repeatedly in sequence or in parallel.

Increment Variable

Specifies a variable whose value you want to be incremented each time the action is run.

Power Shell Command

Runs a Windows PowerShell command.

Print BTXML Script

Specifies the BTXML script that is sent to BarTender, which processes the code and completes the tasks that are defined by the code.

Print Document

Prints a specific BarTender document each time the event occurs.

Select Case

Creates one or more Case sub-actions and a single Default action, and specifies a variable that is evaluated to determine which of those actions to run.

Set Multiple Variables

Sets the values of one or more variables.

Set Variable

Sets the value of a single variable.

Shell Command

Runs a shell command that can be used to run operating system commands or third-party utilities.


Stops the current print job.


Specifies a time period that elapses before the action finishes. You can use this action to create a pause in sequential actions.

Wait for File

Monitors a specified folder for a defined file type. When the file is detected, the action finishes and enables subsequent actions to run.

While Loop

Specifies that a group of one or more actions continues to run sequentially as long as the specified condition continues to be satisfied.

Workflow Transition

Causes a Librarian file that is assigned to a workflow to transition from one workflow state to another.

ClosedFile Actions

Use file actions to manipulate files or folders in a specified file system or location. File systems or locations can include a temporary storage folder, local file systems or network shares, Librarian, or a supported cloud storage location. For more information about supported cloud storage locations, refer to the Administration Console Cloud Storage Page.



Add Files to Archive

Adds one or more files from a folder to an archive.

Copy File

Copies a file from one location to another.

Copy Folder

Copies a folder.

Create Folder

Creates a folder.

Delete File

Deletes a file.

Delete Folder

Deletes a folder.

Extract Files from Archive

Extracts one or more files from an archive to a folder.

For Each File in Archive

Runs a group of one or more actions on every file in an archive folder that matches the specified criteria.

For Each File in Folder

Runs a group of one or more actions on every file in a folder that matches the specified criteria.

Move File

Moves a file from one location to another.

Move Folder

Moves a folder.

Read File

Monitors a specified folder for a defined file type, reads the data that is contained in that file, and then saves the data to a variable.

Rename File

Renames a file.

Rename Folder

Renames a folder.

Workflow Transition

Causes a Librarian file that is assigned to a workflow to transition from one workflow state to another.

Write File

Writes a data string to a file.

ClosedDatabase Actions

Use database actions to perform actions on a record set or create a record set from a text file.



Delete Database Record

Deletes one or more records from a connected database.

Execute SQL

Runs any kind of custom Structured Query Language (SQL) script.

For Each Database Record

Runs a database query and actions for each record.

Insert Database Record

Inserts a new record into a connected database.

Transform Text to Record Set

Transforms an identified source of text into a record set for a specified database.

Update Database Records

Updates one or more records in a connected database.

ClosedForms Actions

Use forms actions to manage forms, manage print jobs, and communicate information to print operators at print time.



Cancel Print Job

Cancels the current print job.

Clear Form Data

Clears all controls on the current form.

Continue Print Job

Causes the print job to continue to the next form or to print if no forms remain.

Reset Form Data

Resets all controls to their original values.

Show Form

Shows a data entry form that you specify by name.

Show Help Message

Displays help content to the user.

Show Message

Displays a message box to the user.

Show Web Page

Opens a web page in the default browser.