Show Help Message

The Show Help Message action displays help content to the print operator. This action is especially useful when you have removed the form's default buttons and want to create a custom Help button.

ClosedTo use the Show Help Message action to create a custom Help button

  1. Create a button control on the data entry form. To do this, click Data Entry Control on the Create menu of Data Entry Form view, and then click Button. Alternatively, click the icon on the object toolbar, and then click Button.

  2. Click the location on the data entry form where you want to place the button.

  3. Double-click the button control to open the Button Properties dialog, and then click Button in the navigation pane to open the Button property page.

  4. Click Actions to open the Control Actions page, and then add the Show Help Message action to the button control's Control Clicked event. For information about how to do this, refer to Adding Actions to the Document or Form.

  5. Click OK to close the Control Actions page.

  6. Close the Button Properties dialog.

  7. Open the Form Properties dialog. To do this, double-click a blank area of the form. Alternatively, right-click a blank area of the form, and then click Form Properties.

  8. In the left navigation pane of the dialog, click Form to display the Form property page, and then click to clear the Include Standard Buttons check box to remove the default buttons from the form.

  9. In the left navigation pane of the Form Properties dialog, click the top-level node to open the Selected Control property page.

  10. In the Help Text box, specify the help text that you want to be shown, and then click to select the Display Help Text when user presses Help button or F1 check box.

  11. Click Close.

When you click the button control in Print Preview or at print time, the help text that you specified is displayed.

You can configure the properties for the Show Help Message action on the following tab.

ClosedAction Tab
