Print Page

When you click a BarTender document file in the document selection pane on the Home page, the Print page opens and displays the currently selected printer, the number of items to print, and a preview of the printed item.

  • When you click a BTXML script file, this page is called Run BTXML Script. Click Run to run the script.

  • When you click a Process Builder process file, this page is called Run BarTender Process File. Click Run to run the file.

For BarTender documents, the following options are available:

When documents contain a serialized data source, you might want to configure Print Station to automatically save the documents after they are printed. When you do this, the serialized value begins with the next number in the sequence the next time you print the document.

To configure Print Station to save documents after printing, use the Save documents after printing option on the Advanced property page.