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Serialization refers to the act of assigning a unique identifier to each item in a series. Although each identifier is typically called a "serial number," it can include letters, numbers, or symbols.
You can enable and configure the setup for a by using the Serialization dialog, which you can access from the Transforms tab on the Data Sources property page. After you set up a data source to use serialization, the serialized value is set automatically after every print job.
Consider the following example:
You received a shipment of 10 boxes from a supply carrier. Each box has an identical label that states the contents of the box. However, to verify that all 10 boxes are received, you want the label to identify each box in the shipment, so that the label on the first box shows "1 of 10," the label on the second box shows "2 of 10," the label on the third box shows "3 of 10," and so on. To show this information, you can add to your a text object that increments. The only difference between one label and another is the incrementation (or serialization) of the new text object's data source.
The following tabs are available.
The Serialization tab specifies how the data source value changes for each item that is printed. The following options are available:
Don't Serialize: Specifies that the selected data source does not change its value for each item that is printed. This is the default setting.
Increment: Specifies that the selected data source increases its value for each item that is printed.
Decrement: Specifies that the selected data source decreases its value for each item that is printed.
Method: Specifies the set of characters that is used to the data source, such as alphabetic, numeric, or hexadecimal. For more information, refer to Serialization Method.
Letters: Specifies the letter type to use, such as uppercase or lowercase. Not available when Method is set to Numeric or Custom Sequence.
Sequence: Specifies a custom set of characters to use for serialization. Available when Method is set to Custom Sequence.
Preserve the number of characters: Specifies that the length of the data source remains the same when the value of the data source is reset. For example, if the reset limit is set to 100, the serialization resets to 001 after the limit is reached.
Increment/Decrement by: Specifies how much the selected data source is incremented or decremented by for each item.
Opens the Serialization Step Value dialog, which you can use to specify how BarTender determines the amount by which each item in the sequence is incremented or decremented.
When to Increment/Decrement
The When to Increment/Decrement section defines how often serialization should occur. You can choose to serialize after a specified number of items, such as a page of labels, or when the value of a changes. The following options are available:
Event: Serializes the data source after the specified criteria are met. The following options are available:
Standard: Serializes the value of the data source at the frequency that is specified in the Event interval and Serial Numbers options.
Every record: Serializes the value of the data source after the specified number of records.
Every page: Serializes the value of the data source after the specified number of pages are printed.
Every print job: Serializes the value of the data source after the specified number of print jobs are run for the .
When data changes: Serializes the value of the data source when the value of another data source is modified, either via a database or a VBScript .
Every copy: Serializes the value of the data source after the specified number of copies are printed.
Event interval: Specifies how many items, such as pages, records, or print jobs, to use before moving to the next step in the serialized sequence. For example, if you need to print both a packaging label and an invoice that contains the same serial number, you can set the Event interval to 2 and the Event to Standard. BarTender then prints the same number on two items before it proceeds with the serialization sequence.
Opens the Serialization Interval Value dialog, which you can use to manage the frequency by which the sequence increments or decrements.
Track interval remaining between print jobs: Carries over the remaining values in a serialization sequence between multiple print jobs.
Consider the following example: You have a data source that is set to serialize every three labels, such as "1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2," and so on. When you print five labels, your first print job prints "1, 1, 1, 2, 2." The next print job continues the sequence with the serial numbers "2, 3, 3, 3, 4." Available when Event interval is a constant number that is greater than 1.
Partial interval remaining from previous jobs: Specifies the amount of interval to carry over between print jobs. The number that you select must not be greater than the number that is specified in Event interval. BarTender increments or decrements based on the value for each item that is printed and automatically sets the serialization value after every print job. Available when Event interval is a constant number that is greater than 1.
Print Quantity
Use the Print Quantity section to specify the number of copies per serial number. (You can also adjust these settings by using the Print dialog.) Click
next to any of the options to open the Print Quantity Options dialog.
Copies: Specifies the number of copies that you want to print for each document. If your document reads data from a database, this option specifies the number of copies that are printed for each record in the print job. Available when serialization is not used for the selected data source.
Serial Numbers: Specifies the number of times that the template is printed with a changed serial number. The starting data is determined by the contents of the data source. The number that you enter into the Serial Numbers field specifies the length of the serialization sequence by using the starting data and the settings that you specify.
If your document reads data from a database, the Serial Numbers field specifies the number of changed serial numbers that are printed for each record in the print job. Available when serialization is used for the selected data source.
Copies per Serial Number: Specifies the number of copies that are printed for each value in the serialization sequence. Available when serialization is used for the selected data source.
Preview Sequence: Opens the Preview of Serialized Sequence dialog, which displays the sequence with all of the current serialization settings in place.
The Reset tab specifies how often BarTender resets the value of the data source when it is set to serialize. By using this tab, you can configure when to reset the serialization sequence and the value at which it resets.
When to Reset Serialized Value
Specified value is reached: Resets serialization when it reaches the specified limit value.
Value: Specifies the maximum or minimum value in the serialized sequence, after which the sequence resets. For example, if you configure a value of 10 and the value increments, the sequence resets to 1 after it reaches 10.
Opens the Serialization Reset Limit Value dialog, which you can use to manage the maximum serialization value. After this value is reached, the serialization sequence resets. This value can be a set constant integer value or pulled from a database or named data source.
Every job: Resets the serialization sequence each time a new print job is run.
Every database record: Resets the serialization sequence when it encounters a new database record.
Data changes: Resets the serialization sequence when the value of another data source is modified, either via a database or a VBScript script.
Data Item: Specifies the data source whose value is changed. Click
to open the Select Data Source dialog, which you can use to select the data source that you want.
Calendar or clock changes: Resets the serialization sequence at the time interval that you select, such as every day, month, or year.
Reset Value
Reset to: Specifies the base value to which the sequence returns after a reset.
Opens the Serialization Reset Start Value dialog, which you can use to specify a constant value to which the sequence resets or select a value from a database field or a named data source.
Reset Now: Manually resets the sequence to the value that is specified in the Reset to field.
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