Print Job Text File Log Setup Dialog

Use the Print Job Text File Log Setup dialog to create a text file that records the content of each print job. When you do this, you can track the items that are printed in your production environment. To open this dialog, click Log print jobs to text file on the Log Setup dialog, and then click Setup next to that setting.

The following options are available:

ClosedSetup Tab

Log File Options

Log Files

ClosedHeader, Per Printed Item, and Footer Tabs

Use the options on the Header, Per Printed Item, and Footer tabs to specify the information that you want to be saved to the log file and in what area of the log file you want it to be saved.

For example, you might want to save the current date to the header of the log file and the print time of each printed item. To do this, click to select the Date (Long Format) option on the Header tab, and then click to select the Start Time option on the Per Printed Item tab. The options that you select are displayed in the Sample Log File area at the bottom of the dialog.

The options that are available for logging information to the header and footer of the log file and for each printed item are described in the following table.

Data to Log



Per Printed Item


Bottommost Separator Line Includes a line to mark the end of the entire log entry.    
Blank Line Includes a blank line to mark the end of the entire log entry.    
Copies Includes the number that is specified for the Copies option of the Print dialog.
Computer Name Includes the name of the computer that BarTender was running on.

Database File Name Includes the name of the database file from which data was read if BarTender was connected to a database file at the time that the print job was run.
Date (Long Format Includes the current system date when the item was printed. The month and year are spelled out (for example, January 1, 2019).



Date (Short Format Includes the numeric equivalent of the current system date when the item was printed (for example, 1/1/19).



Document Name Includes the file name of the document that was printed.
End Time Includes the system time when the job finished printing by using the time format that is specified in the regional settings.



End Date (Long Format Includes the date when the job finished printing. The month and year are spelled out (for example, January 1, 2019).



End Date (Short Format) Includes the numeric equivalent of the date when the job finished (for example, 1/1/19).



Item Height Includes the height of the printed items as specified in the Page Setup dialog.
Item Width Includes the width of the printed items as specified in the Page Setup dialog.

Item Number Includes the sequential number for the items that were printed.



Log File Name Includes the name of the log file.
Number of Columns Includes the number of columns on a single page of stock as specified in the Columns option, which is located on the Layout tab of the Page Setup dialog.
Number of Items Printed Includes the total number of items that were printed.    
Number of Rows Includes the number of rows on a single page of stock as specified in the Rows option, which is located on the Layout tab of the Page Setup dialog.
Per Template Field Names Includes a line that has the field number or data source names as specified on the Data Source tab of the Data Sources property page.    
Printer Name Includes the name of the printer on which the items were printed.
Print Job Name Includes the name of the print job, if one is assigned.
Serial Numbers Includes the number that was specified for the Serial Numbers option of the Print dialog.
Separator Line Enters a line below the header to separate the text from the list of data that was printed per item.  
Start Time Includes the system time when the job started printing by using the time format that is specified in the regional settings.
Start Date (Long Format) Includes the date when the job started printing. The month and year are spelled out (for example, January 1, 2019).
Start Date (Short Format) Includes the numeric equivalent of the date when the job started printing (for example, 1/1/19).
Time Includes the system time when the item was printed by using the time format that is specified in the regional settings.    
Topmost Separator Line Includes a line to mark the beginning of the entire log entry.    
User Name Includes the user name of the person who is running BarTender.

On the Per Printed Item tab, there is an additional option for Data Sources to Log. This option specifies whether the data that is contained in objects on the template should be included with the data in the log file.