Page Setup Dialog

When you design an item to print, you must configure the template to match the size of the media that you are using and configure the appearance of the template. Use the Page Setup dialog to specify the media stock, set up margins, and create multiple templates. Additionally, you can use this dialog to preview the appearance of the template.

To access the Page Setup dialog in the Template Design view, click on the main toolbar. Alternatively, on the File menu, click Page Setup.

You can also use this dialog to access the Page Setup wizard, which guides you through the process of selecting a printer, configuring the printer stock, and creating a new template. To start the Page Setup wizard, click Wizard in the bottom left corner of the Page Setup dialog.

The following tabs are available.

ClosedStock Tab

Use the Stock tab to format your page to fit common media types. Additionally, you can configure your document for use with RFID tags and magnetic stripes.

The following mini-tabs are available.

ClosedPredefined Stocks Mini-Tab

The Predefined Stocks mini-tab defines the media for your printer. The following options are available:

  • Category: Specifies the manufacturer of the printer media. If the manufacturer that you want is not listed, click Save to create a custom stock by using the Save Stock dialog.

  • Stock Name: Lists the available stocks in the selected category. If the stock that you want is not listed, click Save to create a custom stock by using the Save Stock dialog.

  • Save: Opens the Save Stock dialog, where you can add manufacturers and stock types.

  • Delete: Removes the currently selected stock type. If the stock type that you remove is the only one that is listed for a given manufacturer, the manufacturer is also removed.

ClosedRFID Antenna Mini-Tab

Required Drivers

Drivers by Seagullâ„¢

Use the RFID Antenna mini-tab to display an image on your template that represents an item's RFID antenna. The following options are available.

Show RFID Antenna Image: Displays the antenna image on the template.

To display the antenna image, you must also select the Show RFID Antenna on Template option, which is located on the General tab of the User Preferences dialog.


  • Image: Specifies the file that contains the image of the antenna. You can specify the folder that is used by this list on the File Locations page in Administration Console.

  • Add: Opens the Select Picture dialog so that you can browse to an antenna image file and then add it to the Image list.

  • Delete: Deletes the currently selected antenna image file from the Image list.


  • Method: Provides the following options for sizing the antenna image:

    • Original Size: Specifies that BarTender uses the original size of the image.

    • Fit to Template: Specifies that the image shrinks or expands as needed so that it fits entirely within the template boundaries.

    • Fit to Height: Specifies that the image shrinks or expands as needed so that its height fits the height of the template. The height-to-width ratio of the original size is maintained.

    • Fit to Width: Specifies that the image shrinks or expands as needed so that its width fits the width of the template. The height-to-width ratio of the original size is maintained.

    • Custom: Specifies that the image's dimensions are set in the Height and Width boxes.

  • Height: Specifies the height of the antenna image.

  • Width: Specifies the width of the antenna image.


For more information about the position options, refer to Understanding Origin Points and Anchors. The following position options are available:

  • X: Specifies the distance, left or right, of the antenna image's anchor from the origin point.

  • Y: Specifies the distance, higher or lower, of the antenna image's anchor from the origin point.

  • Anchor: Specifies the antenna image's anchor.

  • Advanced: Opens the Advanced Position Settings dialog, where you can configure the origin point.


  • Angle: Specifies the degrees by which the antenna image is rotated around the rotation point.

ClosedMagnetic Stripe Mini-Tab

Required Drivers

Drivers by Seagullâ„¢

Use the Magnetic Stripe mini-tab to display an image that represents an item's magnetic stripe on your template. The following options are available.


  • Display: Specifies the location of the magnetic stripe on your items.

  • Color: Displays the currently selected color of the magnetic stripe image as it appears on the template. To select a different color, click this option, and then use the Color Picker to select the color that you want. For more information, refer to Changing an Object's Color.

  • Show in Print Preview: Displays the magnetic stripe image in Print Preview mode.


  • Offset From: Specifies the location of the magnetic stripe on the cards.

  • Offset: Specifies the distance of the magnetic stripe from the location that is specified in Offset From.

  • Thickness: Specifies the height of the magnetic stripe as it appears on the template.

ClosedPage Tab

Use the Page tab to set options for the page, including page size and orientation, the printer paper tray to use during printing (if tray options are available), and whether to use printing effects. On this tab, you can also specify whether there is a different design that needs to be printed on the back of the page, how the back page should be printed relative to the front, and whether you will use a page template to enhance your page.

The following options are available.

Page Size

If the backing of the stock is of a greater width or height than the items, enter the width and/or height of the backing here. Use the Margin settings on the Layout tab to adjust for the difference in width and height between the page and the items.

Paper Tray



Not all effects are supported by all printers. The Effects area of the Page tab is displayed only if your selected printer supports at least one of the effects, and only the supported effects are available.

Template Design Options

ClosedLayout Tab

Use the Layout tab to specify how many items are printed on each page of stock. Additionally, you can specify the margins of each item and define the space between multiple items on the page.

The following options are available.



Margins are the spaces between the edge of the page and the edge of the items on the page. If you need to include additional data in the margins of the page (for example, a header or footer that displays the page number, current time, user, or document name), you can place this information on the page by creating a page template. To do this, click to select the Enable Page Template check box on the Page tab of the Page Setup dialog. For more information, refer to Creating a Page Template.

The following margin options are available: 

Most laser and other page printers cannot print within a certain narrow zone around the perimeter of a page. This "unprintable region" varies from printer to printer. For example, Hewlett-Packard compatible laser printers cannot print closer than about 0.200 inch to the edges of the page. Therefore, you cannot print right up to the edge of your page by changing your margins to zero. For more information, refer to Show Unprintable Region.

Template Size

Gap / Pitch

ClosedShape Tab

Use the Shape tab to specify the shape of the items that you print. The following options are available.

Template Shape

To design a circular item, select Ellipse as the printed item shape. On the Layout tab, click to select Set Manually under the Item Size heading, and then enter the diameter of the item in both the Height and Width fields.


ClosedMedia Handling Tab

The Media Handling tab specifies the action that is taken at the end of each page or print job. These settings enable driver-supported devices such as cutters and label taken sensors to be used in a print job. For more information, refer to Media Handling.

The following options are available.

Media Handling

Some thermal printers do not support all media handling actions. The Action list shows only the actions that are supported by the selected printer. Page printers have only the Use Driver's Settings and Page Break options.

ClosedPrinting Order Tab

The Printing Order tab specifies the order in which multiple items are printed on a single page of stock. Additionally, you can specify where to start printing if a previous print job resulted in unused stock. These options apply only when you print items that have multiple items per page, such as laser or ink-jet printer labels.

The following options are available.

Printing Order

Depending on the starting corner and direction that you specify, the preview image is updated to show the order in which the items are printed. The following options are available:

ClosedTemplates Tab

The Templates tab displays a list of all available templates in the open BarTender document. By using the Item Templates list, you can easily see how your templates are organized, reorder the templates, specify the frequency with which each template is printed, and specify conditional printing criteria for each template. For more information, refer to Using Template Selectors.

The following options are available.

Item Templates

Template Toolbar

The template toolbar is located below the Item Templates list. Use it to add new templates, remove existing templates, and reorder the templates in the list. The following options are available:

  Adds a new template to the list.

  Adds a new template selector to the list.

  Removes the selected template from the list.

  Renames the selected template.

  Deletes the selected template from the list and places a copy of the template on the Clipboard.

  Copies the selected template to the Clipboard.

  Pastes a copy of the template from the Clipboard into the template list.

  Moves the selected template up one position in the list.

  Moves the selected template down one position in the list.

Template Properties

ClosedBackground Tab

Use the Background tab to configure how the background appears on your printed items. You can add effects such as a picture, color, texture, or pattern. You can also add a design guide image to the background that serves as a guide to help you position and size objects but that does not appear on printed items.

The following mini-tabs are available.

ClosedPicture Mini-Tab

The Picture mini-tab specifies the picture that is used as the background for your items.

  • Source: Specifies the source of the picture. The following options are available: 

    • No Picture: Specifies that no picture is used for the background.

    • Embedded Picture: Specifies that the picture is added to and saved as part of the BarTender document.

      • Get Picture From: Provides the following options for importing the picture:

        • File: Opens the Select Picture dialog, which you can use to locate and then import a picture file into your template from your computer.

        • Scanner or Camera: Opens the Scanner and Camera Setup dialog, which you can use to import pictures from a scanner or camera device.

    • Linked Picture: Specifies that the picture remains a separate file and only the path to it is added to the document.

      • File name: Specifies the path and file name of the background picture. Click Browse to browse to the file.

  • Size method: Specifies how BarTender resizes the background picture. The following options are available:

    • Original Size: Specifies that BarTender uses the original size of the picture.

    • Fit to Height: Specifies that the picture shrinks or expands as needed so that its height fits the height of the template. BarTender maintains the picture's height-to-width ratio.

    • Fit to Width: Specifies that the picture shrinks or expands as needed so that its width fits the width of the template. BarTender maintains the picture's height-to-width ratio.

    • Stretch: Specifies that the picture shrinks or expands as needed so that it fits the dimensions of the template. If there is an overhang value, the fit may not be exact.

  • Rotation: Specifies the rotation of the image in degrees.


  • Preprinted: Specifies that the background picture is treated as if it were already printed on the media. When you select this option, the background picture is not printed, although it appears in the Print Preview window.

  • Print when: Specifies when BarTender prints the background picture. This option is available only when the Preprinted option is not selected.

    Opens the When to Print dialog, which you can use to configure specific conditions that determine when the background picture is printed.

  • Overhang template: Specifies the distance by which the background picture should exceed the dimensions of the template. This option is useful if the media stock slips a little as it moves through the printer, especially for thermal label printers.

  • Image Processing: Opens the Background Image Processing dialog, which you can use to modify the appearance of the background picture.

  • Error Handling: Opens the Error Handling dialog, which you can use to configure the response that occurs if BarTender cannot locate the picture file at print time. Available when you link to an external picture file.

  • Apply Image Processing Permanently: Saves all picture adjustments, cropping, and effects changes as the new defaults, and then saves the modified image as a new image.

    When you click Apply Image Processing Permanently, any changes that you made are locked in and become the new default settings. Therefore, we recommend that you use the Apply Image Processing Permanently option only after all editing is done.

ClosedColor Mini-Tab

Use the Color mini-tab to specify the background color of your items. The following options are available.

Background color: Displays the currently selected color and/or pattern that appears on the background of your items. To select a different color or pattern, click this option, and then use the Color Picker to select the color or pattern that you want. For more information, refer to Changing the Template Color.


  • Preprinted: Specifies that the background color or pattern is treated as if it were already printed on the media. When you select this option, the background color or pattern is not printed, although it appears in the Print Preview window.

  • Print when: Specifies when BarTender prints the background color or pattern. Available only when the Preprinted option is not selected.

    Opens the When to Print dialog, which you can use to configure specific conditions that determine when the background color or pattern is printed.

  • Overhang template: Specifies the distance by which the background color or pattern should exceed the boundaries of the template. This option is useful if the printer stock slips a little as it moves through the printer.

ClosedDesign Guide Image Mini-Tab

Use the Design Guide Image mini-tab to add a scanned image of a sample printed item and display it as guide to help you position and size objects. For example, if you already have a design that is printed out or was created in an application other than BarTender, you can scan that design and then place it on your template as a lightened background image that you can use to position your template objects.

The design guide image does not appear on printed items. Use it as a model for designing or recreating a template in BarTender.

The following options are available:

  • Get Image From: Provides options for importing the design guide image, as follows: 

    • File: Opens the Select Picture dialog, which you can use to locate and import the image file into your template from your computer.

    • Scanner or Camera: Imports the image from a scanner or camera device. To do this, you must first set up the device by using the Scanner and Camera Setup dialog. This enables BarTender to communicate with the device so that the images on the device are available for selection.

  • Color: Displays the currently selected color that is used for the design guide image. To select a different color, click this option, and then use the Color Picker to select the color that you want. For more information, refer to Color Picker.

  • Hide design guide image: Hides or shows the design guide image. Use this option to see how your items will appear when they are printed.

  • Remove Design Guide Image: Deletes the design guide image from your document. Use this option after you complete the template design to reduce the size of your document.

  • Image Processing: Opens the Background Image Processing dialog, which you can use to modify the appearance of the design guide image.