Files Pane

The Files pane lists all of the files in a selected folder. By using the Files pane, you can view detailed information about the file and about each file revision, such as the revision number, size, workflow state, and comments.

Available Fields

When you save a file to the repository, Librarian stores information about the file as fields in the BarTender System Database. You can customize your view of this information by adding or removing columns in the Files pane. To do this, right-click any column header to display the list of available columns, and then click to select or clear the columns that you want to add or remove.

The following types of information can be displayed.




The name of the file


The current revision number; by default, the latest revision the user can open


The size of the file


The name of the workflow that is assigned to the file


The current workflow state that the file is in


The folder that contains the file

Last Modified

The date and time that the file was last modified

Last Modified By

The name of the user who last modified the file


The computer that the file was last modified on


The comment that was entered for the file revision

You can group the files by one of these fields. To do this, right-click the column header for the field that you want, and then click Group by This Column.

Context Menus

When you right-click one or more selected files in the Files pane, the context menu is displayed. The options that are available vary depending on the file properties and include the following: