Printing BarTender Documents

When you click a BarTender (.btw) document, the Print wizard displays the following pages.

ClosedReading Document Page

Before a document can be printed, Print Station must retrieve information about the selected document. While the information is being retrieved, the Reading Document page is displayed. This page has two components: a preview image of the selected document and a progress bar that runs until the document is completely read. When you point to the preview image, a tooltip appears that displays the file name and comments about the selected document.

The Reading Document page does not appear if the On mouse click: Immediately print option is selected in the Administrative Setup dialog.

ClosedPrint Page

The Print page provides the user with options to select the printer, to configure the number of copies, and to begin printing. The Print page is not displayed if the On mouse click: Immediately print option is selected in the Administrative Setup dialog.



ClosedPrinting Document Page

The Printing Document page is displayed while the print job is running. The progress bar is displayed until the print job is finished, and then the Print Results dialog is displayed.