Editing Comments

After you add a comment to a file, you might need to correct a typo, change the description, or add more information about the action. Perhaps, you performed an action but forgot to insert a comment about that action. You can edit your comments by using the Edit Comment dialog.

ClosedTo edit an existing comment

  1. In the Folders pane, browse to the folder where the file resides.

  2. In the Files pane, select the file that has the comment that you want to edit.

  3. In the File History pane, select the comment and/or action that you want to edit.

  4. Right-click the selected comment, and then click Edit Comment.

  5. In the Edit Comment dialog, update your comments in the Comments text box.

  6. Click OK. The old comment is overwritten with the new one that you entered.

ClosedTo add a comment to an existing action

  1. In the Folders pane, browse to the folder where the file resides.

  2. In the Files pane, select the file that you want.

  3. In the File History pane, select the action that you want.

  4. Right-click the selected action, and then click Edit Comment.

  5. In the Edit Comment dialog, enter your comments in the Comments text box.

  6. Click OK. Your comment appears below the time of the selected action.