Other Picture Sources

In addition to embedding pictures or linking to an external picture file, BarTender allows you to retrieve images from a variety of other sources. For example, on templates, you can connect an image to a control on the data entry form, allowing you to select an image at print-time or capture a photograph using a camera. BarTender can also interpret binary formatted images or decode Base64 formatted images into the visual graphics printed on your items. On the data entry form, BarTender can display an interactive preview of one or more templates.

The following additional picture sources are available:

ClosedPrint-time Image Capture Control

The option Print-time Image Capture Control is available only when importing a picture object onto the template. It is not available for importing a picture object onto the data entry form.

An image capture control allows you to capture photographs or scanned images directly from a digital camera, scanner, or video device and print them on ID cards, labels, or other items with a single click. By inserting a print-time image capture control on your template, you can directly link a picture object on your template to a data entry control, which will prompt you for the image at print-time.

ClosedTo insert a picture file using the Print-time Image Capture Control option

  1. Select the icon on the object toolbar to display a list of all picture sources. Alternatively, select Picture from the Create menu.

  2. Select Print-time Image Capture Control to return to the template.

  3. Click at the desired location on the template to add the picture and open the Picture Properties dialog.

  4. On the Picture property page, click Select Sample Picture to select an image from your computer to show as a placeholder on your template.

  5. Click Close to return to the template.

ClosedBinary Database Field

The option Binary Database Field is available only when importing a picture object onto the template. It is not available for importing a picture object onto the data entry form.

When you link to a database field containing a binary formatted image file, BarTender deciphers the binary code to print an image correctly on your items. A binary formatted image file is a file that composes an image using only two characters (0 and 1) in different combinations. Some applications refer to a binary image file as a BLOB field.

ClosedTo insert a picture file using the Binary Database Field option

  1. Select the icon on the object toolbar to display a list of all picture sources. Alternatively, select Picture from the Create menu.

  2. Select Binary Database Field to return to the template.

  3. Click at the desired location on the template to add the picture and open the Picture Properties dialog.

  4. If you have not previously connected to a database, click Database Connection Setup on the Picture property page to link a database to your document. For more information, refer to Connecting to a Database.

  5. Under Field Name, select the field containing the binary data. Only the database fields that contain binary picture data will appear in the dropdown list.

  6. Click Close to return to the template.

ClosedEncoded Picture Data

The option Encoded Picture Data is available only when importing a picture object onto the template. It is not available for importing a picture object onto the data entry form.

Base64 is an encoding format for any data; in other words, Base64 can be used to represent any binary data using a text-only character string. If you save a graphic as Base64 encoding using an external application, the graphic is converted to a large string of alphanumeric characters. BarTender has the ability to embed Base64 encoded images into your template from a variety of sources, including an external database.

ClosedTo insert a picture file using the Encoded Picture Data option

  1. Select the icon on the object toolbar to display a list of all picture sources. Alternatively, select Picture from the Create menu.

  2. Select Encoded Picture Data to return to the template.

  3. Click at the desired location on the template to add the picture and open the Picture Properties dialog.

  4. In the Navigation Pane, select the data source that will contain the encoded image.

  5. To import the Base64 encoded image from a database, change the Type to Database Field and select the database field containing the binary data. For more information, refer to Connecting to a Database.

  6. Click Close to return to the template.

ClosedPreview of Template

The option Preview of Template is available only when importing a picture object onto the data entry form. It is not available for importing a picture object onto the template.

The data entry form also allows you to insert an interactive preview of the template itself. At print-time, this preview image displays the data currently entered in the data entry controls.

ClosedTo insert a picture file using the Preview of Template option

  1. Select the icon on the object toolbar to display a list of all picture sources. Alternatively, select Picture from the Create menu.

  2. Select Preview of Template.

  3. Click at the desired location on the data entry form where you want to add the image of the template. This will open the Picture Properties dialog.

  4. In the Navigation Pane, select Picture to open the Picture property page.

  5. For Template, select the template that you want to appear as an image on the data entry form. One or more templates will appear in the dropdown list, depending on the number of templates in your document.

  6. Click Close to return to the data entry form.

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