Using the Image Capture Control at Print-Time

To setup the Image Capture Control for Scanner, Camera, or Video Devices

  1. On your template, insert a print-time image capture control. For more information, refer to Print-time Image Capture Control section of Other Picture Sources.

  2. Select Data Entry Form from the View menu to switch to the Data Entry Form. An image capture control has automatically been added to the data entry form.

  3. Double-click on the image capture control to open the Image Capture Control Properties dialog.

  4. Select Image Capture from the Navigation Pane to display the Image Capture property page.

  5. If multiple devices are connected to your computer, click Select to choose the desired device.

  6. Enable Automatic face detection if desired. Note that this feature is available only with the Enterprise Automation edition of BarTender.

  7. Click Close to return to the data entry form.

Once you have executed a print job, BarTender's Print Wizard will display the Data Entry Form, which contains the image capture control.

You can capture an image using one of the following devices:

Video Device


Digital Camera

Using a Video Device

When you have a video device connected to your computer, such as a video camera or webcam, the image capture control on the data entry form provides a live preview, so that you can perfect a captured photograph before printing your items. With automatic face detection and centering, BarTender makes it easy to produce identification cards for a variety of purposes.

To capture an image using a video device

  1. On the Print Wizard - Data Entry Form, click Capture once you have lined up the photograph.

  2. If the photograph is unacceptable, click Redo Capture. This will return you to the live preview screen, where you can retake the photograph.

  3. Once you have taken the desired photograph, click Adjust to open the Adjust Image dialog.

  4. Using the available controls, adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation of the photograph as desired.

  5. To crop the image, select the portion of the image you wish to remain in the printed photograph.

  6. Click OK to close the Adjust Image dialog. BarTender will automatically update the image on the Print Wizard - Data Entry Form with any modifications you made.

  7. Click Print to execute the print job; alternatively, press the ENTER key on your keyboard.

Digital CameraReturn to Top

Using a Scanner

When you have a scanner connected to your computer, the image capture control on the data entry form allows you to scan an image using the scanner. Once a picture has been scanned using the device, you can make modifications to the image using the Adjust Image dialog before printing your items.

To capture an image using a scanner

  1. On the Print Wizard - Data Entry Form, click Capture to begin the scan.

  2. On the New Scan dialog, enter the desired specifications.

  3. Click Scan.

  4. If the scanned image is unacceptable, readjust the materials to scan and click Capture to re-perform the scan.

  5. Once you have taken the desired image, click Adjust to open the Adjust Image dialog.

  6. Using the available controls, adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation of the photograph as desired.

  7. To crop the image, select the portion of the image you wish to remain in the printed photograph.

  8. Click OK to close the Adjust Image dialog. BarTender will automatically update the image on the Print Wizard - Data Entry Form with any modifications you made.

  9. Click Print to execute the print job; alternatively, press the ENTER key on your keyboard.

Video DeviceReturn to Top

Using a Digital Camera

When you have a digital camera connected to your computer, the image capture control on the data entry form allows you to select an image from the pictures contained in the camera's memory. Once a picture has been selected from the device, you can make modifications to the image using the Adjust Image dialog before printing your items.

To select images from a digital camera

  1. On the Print Wizard - Data Entry Form, click Capture to browse the images contained on your camera.

  2. Select the desired picture using the Get Pictures dialog.

  3. Click Get Pictures to view the picture on the data entry form.

  4. Click Adjust to open the Adjust Image dialog.

  5. Using the available controls, adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation of the photograph as desired.

  6. To crop the image, select the portion of the image you wish to remain in the printed photograph.

  7. Click OK to close the Adjust Image dialog. BarTender will automatically update the image on the Print Wizard - Data Entry Form with any modifications you made.

  8. Click Print to execute the print job; alternatively, press the ENTER key on your keyboard.

Video DeviceScannerReturn to Top