Understanding Query Prompts

A query prompt enables you to fill in the criterion for a query at print-time. For example, if you want to be able to search for a particular part number that you type in at print-time, you would use the Query tab on the Database Connection Setup dialog to select the part number field from the database, specify the equality operator, and set the criterion to a query prompt. Then every time you print, you will be asked to type in the part number using the Print Wizard - Enter data for query dialog. Only records that match that part number will be printed. When a search is completed, the next dialog (if any) in the Print Wizard will display. If no matching records are found, you will receive a message stating such.

If you want to prompt for the actual data that will appear on the template rather than data that will be used as a criterion in an SQL query executed at print-time, then use BarTender's Data Entry feature.