Scale Properties Dialog

The Scale Properties dialog, accessible from the Properties button of the Scale property page or the Weighing Scale Setup dialog, contains important information regarding the configuration of the selected scale. Using this dialog, you can modify a scale's connection settings, configure how a scale obtains the weight of a product, or add a comment to an installed scale.

The following tabs are available:

ClosedGeneral Tab

The General tab contains general information about the selected scale, including the model of the scale reported by the manufacturer. In addition to viewing this information, you can use the General tab to modify the following scale properties:

ClosedConnection Tab

The Connection tab specifies how BarTender initiates and maintains communication with the selected scale. The Connection Type describes how BarTender communicates with the selected scale. The available options include Serial Port, where a scale is physically connected to your computer, or TCP/IP Network Port, where a remote or local scale communicates with BarTender via the network.

Connection Type

When Connection Type is set to Serial Port, you can configure the following controls using the Connection tab:

When Connection Type is set to TCP/IP Network Port, you can configure the following controls using the Connection tab:

Test Connection

Once you have defined the connection type, select Test Connection to verify that BarTender successfully connects to the scale.

ClosedAdvanced Tab

The Advanced tab contains configurable options for the selected scale that are not available in other tabs of the Scale Properties dialog. Typically, these settings are complex, and should only be changed as instructed by the scale's user manual or by a technical support representative.

Stable Weight Options

Other Options