Linked Data Source Property Page

The Linked Data Source property page of the Control Properties dialog allows you easily link data sources in your document to a specific control on the data entry form.

The Print Dialog Data Sources directory allows you to link the number of copies or serial numbers to a control on the data entry form. This allows you to ask the user for the number of copies they want to print each time BarTender executes the print job.

Whenever you give a name to a data source, the data source appears in the Named Data Sources directory. Once listed in this directory, you can link the named data source to a control on the data entry form.

Additionally, object values are stored in the Template Object Data Sources directory. All object values, consisting of the contents of all data sources in an object, are automatically listed as the objects are added to the template. To see the object values that are available for use, simply expand the desired object in the Template Object Data Sources directory. All data sources listed in this directory can be linked to any control on the data entry form.

You can modify the properties of a selected data source by selecting the Data Source Options button. This will open the More Data Source Options dialog.

Using the Scale Display Control

When using scale display controls, the Linked Data Source tab contains an additional pane: the Properties pane. This pane allows you to set different data sources for each of the weights obtained by BarTender.

To Link a Data Source to a Data Entry Control

  1. Double-click on the control that you want to bind to an existing data source to open the Control Properties dialog. Alternatively, you can open the context menu for the desired control and select Properties.

  2. Select Linked Data Source from the list of available property pages.

  3. Select the desired data source from the Data Sources list.

    Each data source can only be bounded to one object. Therefore, you will be unable to select a data source that is already linked to a control on the data entry form of the open document.

  4. Click the OK button to apply the changes and close the dialog.

You can also link a data source to a data entry control using the Data Sources pane of the Toolbox.

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