Printing Documents

The first time that you use BarTender Cloud to print a document, you are prompted to install the Print Gateway service. This service is required for print jobs to be sent to the printer. For more information, refer to About the Print Gateway Service.

BarTender Cloud provides a browsing method and a search method for locating the BarTender documents that you want to print. You might find it easier to locate your documents by using one method instead of the other, or you might use a combination of the two methods.

For example, if you have a small number of folders and/or documents, or if you use spaces to create smaller repositories, you might find it quicker to browse to the appropriate space from the Space list, then browse to the folder in the folder navigation pane and select the document in the document selection pane. If you have many spaces, folders and/or documents, it might be quicker to use the search box, assuming that you know the name of the document that you want to print or the name of the folder that contains the document.

After you locate the BarTender document that you want, click it to start the print job (in the Print Console view) or select it and then click Print on the toolbar (in the Librarian view). The Print page that opens provides options that include selecting a printer, specifying the number of copies to print, opening the print preview, and canceling or continuing the print job.

ClosedTo print a BarTender document

  1. Use one of the following methods to select the document and then open the Print page.

    • In the Print Console view, locate the document that you want in the document selection pane, and then click it. The Print page is displayed.

    • In the Librarian view, locate the document that you want in the item list pane, click to select its checkbox, and then click Print on the toolbar. The Print page is displayed.

    To switch to one of these views, click on the toolbar, and then click Print, Print Console or Librarian.

  2. In the Printer list, select the printer that you want.

  3. In the Copies field, enter the number of copies that you want to print.

  4. If your document contains serialized data, enter the number of serial numbers and the number of copies per serial number that you want to print in the Serial Numbers and Copies per Serial Number fields.

  5. Click Print. If the Select Records dialog (i.e., Record Picker) opens, select the records that you want to print. If data is required for any query prompts or data entry forms, enter that data. The print job runs.

    Alternatively, click Preview, select the records and/or enter the required data, review the items to be printed, and then click Print in the Print Preview dialog. The print job runs.

  6. In the Print dialog, review the print job details, and then click Close to return to the Print page. If you printed to a PDF file, the print job is automatically downloaded.

  7. On the Print page, click Cancel to return to the view that you accessed the Print page from (either the Print Console view or the Librarian view). This step is not required if Automatically return to Document Selection screen after printing has completed is selected on the Printing tab of the Settings view. In that case, you are automatically returned to the Print Console view.

BarTender Cloud cannot print BarTender documents that contain one or more of the restricted VBScript functions CreateObject(), GetObject(), Eval(), Execute(), and ExecuteGlobal(). An error message is displayed when you try to print these documents.

You can edit the document’s VBScript in BarTender Designer and then re-upload it to BarTender Cloud, or you can edit it in BarTender Cloud by using BarTender Cloud Designer. Alternatives to the CreateObject() function are documented in the BarTender Cloud Designer help system and the BarTender help system.


In This Section

  • Print Console

    Describes the components of the Print Console view, which displays the documents that are available for printing.

  • Print History

    Use this page to view, sort, and filter your print history data, including the print job status, the date and time when the print job was submitted, and the number of items that were printed.

  • About the Print Gateway Service

    Describes the Print Gateway service, which BarTender Cloud uses to connect to your printers.