This topic describes how to use the BarTender Template Assistant to create and edit BarTender documents. For example, you can connect to a database, map database fields to template objects, and modify print-time settings. It also shows how to use BarTender Cloud Designer to create and edit BarTender documents.
To access Librarian, click
to open the BarTender Cloud menu, then click Librarian. Alternatively, you can click the Librarian button on the Home page.
To create a document by using a BarTender template
In the Space list, select the space in which you want to create and save the document.
In the folder navigation pane of Librarian, select the folder in which you want to create and save the document.
On the toolbar, click BarTender Template. Alternatively, click New, and then click Document From BarTender Template.
On the Select a BarTender Template page, point to the template that you want, and then click Create.
To narrow down the template choices, you can add one or more filters. To do this, click Add Filter, and then click the filters that you want. You can also enter a term in the search bar to locate a template by name or keyword.
Follow the steps in the Template Assistant to name your document, specify and import data sources, and assign data sources to the fields in the template.
To edit a template-based document
This procedure is available for documents that were created by using a preconfigured BarTender template and that were not subsequently modified in BarTender Designer.
In the Space list, select the space in which the document is located.
In the item list pane, select the document that you want.
On the toolbar, click Connect to Data. Alternatively, right-click the document, and then click Connect to Data.
Follow the steps in the Template Assistant to edit the document properties that you want, such as enabling data entry forms, connecting to a database, and mapping database fields to objects on the template.
When you edit a template-based document, a new revision of the document is created. You can view the revision history by using the Revision History page. For more information, refer to Managing File Revisions.
If you download a template-based document from BarTender Cloud, modify it in BarTender Designer, and then upload it again to BarTender Cloud, the edit options are no longer available.
To create a document by using BarTender Cloud Designer
In the Space list, select the space in which you want to create and save the document, if applicable.
In the folder navigation pane of Librarian, select the folder in which you want to create and save the document.
On the toolbar, click New, and then click Document Design.
In the New Document Design dialog, enter a file name for the document, and then click Design. BarTender Cloud Designer opens and displays a new blank document.
In the BarTender Cloud Designer interface, design your new document.
To open the BarTender Cloud Designer help system for assistance, press F1 or click Help in any dialog or page on which a Help button appears.
To open the BarTender Cloud help system for assistance, click
in the menu bar.
Click Print to print your document, and/or click Save to save the document to BarTender Cloud.
To edit a document in BarTender Cloud Designer
In the Space list, select the space in which the document is located, if applicable.
In the item list pane, select the document that you want.
On the toolbar, click Design. Alternatively, right-click the item, and then click Design. BarTender Cloud Designer opens and displays the document.
In the BarTender Cloud Designer interface, make the edits that you want.
To open the BarTender Cloud Designer help system for assistance, press F1 or click Help in any dialog or page on which a Help button appears.
To open the BarTender Cloud help system for assistance, click
in the menu bar.
Click Print to print your document, and/or click Save to save the updated revision to BarTender Cloud.
When you edit a document using BarTender Cloud Designer, a new revision of the document is created. You can view the revision history by using the Revision History page. For more information, refer to Managing File Revisions.
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