Printers Page |
Click Printers in the Administration menu to display the Printers page, which you can use to do the following, depending on your user role and permissions:
View and edit information about your connected printers
Create and edit printer groups
View and manage the print job queue for a selected printer
Reprint whole print jobs or individual items that were printed to a selected printer
Access print history data for a selected printer
Grant access permissions to specific users or user groups for a selected printer
The following components are available:
View By Location/View By Printer Groups: Switches between displaying the printer list table by printer location and by printer group. You can filter the table by a location or printer group by clicking the location or group link.
Create Printer Group: Displays the Create Printer Group page, which you can use to create a new printer group. For more information, refer to Creating and Editing Printer Groups.
: Searches the printer list table for printers whose name, status, or description includes the search term.
: Hides or shows the filter row in the printer list table.
: Displays the column chooser list so that you can select the columns that you want to be displayed in the printer list table. By default, the printer name is always displayed.
The columns that are available to show or hide depend on whether you select View by Location or View by Printer Groups .
Status: Displays the printer status, such as Ready or Offline.
Description: Displays a description of the printer as entered on the Printer Details page.
URI: Displays the printer's URI.
In Queue: Displays the number of documents in the printer queue for that printer.
The printer list table appears below these headings and organizes the printers by location or groups, depending on whether you select View By Location or View By Printer Groups. Each printer in the table is linked to its own printer details page, which displays information about the printer, the print job queue, the groups the printer belongs to, and so on. For more information, refer to Printer Details Page.
The printer list table includes a filter row that you can use to filter the table according to the filters that you apply to each column. The filter row is displayed by default. To hide the filter row, click. To show the filter row when it is hidden, click
Each column includes a more options icon () that you can click to display options for sorting the selected column, clearing filters, resetting the default column size, and so on.
When the filter row is displayed, each column shows a filter list icon (), which you can click to display the available filters for that column and to select the filters that you want to apply.
The options available in the printer list table vary depending on whether View By Location or View By Printer Groups is selected.
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