Viewing a Workflow's History

You can view the revision history of a workflow to see how the workflow has evolved and who has been involved in its creation. The Workflow History page has the following components:

  • Revision Number: Indicates the revision of the workflow on this row.

  • Modified By: Indicates who modified the workflow for this revision.

  • Modified Date: Indicates the date on which the workflow was modified.

  • Valid: Indicates that this revision has been validated.

  • Publish Status: If this workflow has been published, the following columns appear:

    • Space: Indicates the space to which the workflow was published.

    • Publisher: Indicates who published the workflow.

    • Publish Date: Indicates the date on which the workflow was published to the space.

ClosedTo view the history of a workflow

  1. To access the Workflow page, click to open the BarTender Cloud menu, then open Design and click Workflows.

  2. On the Workflow page, select the workflow whose history you want to view.

  3. Click and choose Revision History. BarTender Cloud opens the Workflow History page.

  4. Click to display an image of the workflow and a listing of states. 

Closed To open a revision of a workflow

  1. To access the Workflow page, click to open the BarTender Cloud menu, then open Design and click Workflows.

  2. On the Workflow page, select the workflow whose history you want to view.

  3. Click and choose Revision History. BarTender Cloud opens the Workflow History page.

  4. Click and select View. BarTender Cloud opens the Workflow Designer with this revision of the workfow already loaded.

Closed To roll back to an earlier revision

  1. To access the Workflow page, click to open the BarTender Cloud menu, then open Design and click Workflows.

  2. On the Workflow page, select the workflow you want to work with.

  3. Click and choose Revision History. BarTender Cloud opens the Workflow History page.

  4. Select the workflow revision you want to make the current revision.

  5. Click and select Restore Revision to Latest. BarTender Cloud moves that revision to the top of the list and increments the revision number.

    No publishing information for this revision will be listed in this row of the Workflow History page for the promoted revision. To include publishing status information you must publish the workflow again.

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