BarTender Print Gateway Settings Page

Use this page to configure the settings that the Print Gateway service uses. You can configure local printers, add print servers that are shared with the local computer, allow or deny access to local printers, and automatically add new printers to the configuration.

The BarTender Print Gateway Settings page is displayed after you install the Print Gateway service. You can also access it by clicking Configure under the Printer list on the Print page. The following options are available.

: Provides access to your private user access token, which you can use together with the BarTender Cloud REST API to automate your printing processes.

Note:  Access to the BarTender Cloud REST API is included with the Automation subscription plan.

Print Servers

  • <Print server name>: Displays the name and connection status of the currently connected web print server, as follows:

    • : Indicates that the server is connected to the client.

    • : Indicates that the client is trying to connect to the server.

    • : Indicates that the server is disconnected from the client.

    The following options are available:

    • : Opens the Edit Print Server dialog, which you can use to modify the print server name and URL.

    • : Deletes the selected print server.

  • Add new print server: Displays the following options:

    • Print Server Name: Specifies the name of the print server that you want to add.

    • Print Server URL: Specifies the URL of the print server that you want to add.

    • Add: Adds the new print server.

    • Cancel: Cancels the operation.

Local Printers

This pane displays the print server connection status and the local printers that can be shared with the selected print server. The following options are available:

  • When a new printer is installed on this computer, automatically allow this computer to print to it: Specifies that newly added printers are automatically shared so that the client computer can print to them.

  • Allow this computer to print to all printers: Specifies that the client computer can print to all installed local printers.

For each printer that is listed, the following options are available under Devices that can print to this printer:

  • This computer: Specifies that the client computer can print to the printer.

  • Other computers: Specifies that other computers in the network can print to the printer.