Security API |
The Security API provides REST endpoints that you can use to manage your groups, users, memberships, roles, and permissions.
For more information, you can view the API reference by using ReDoc. In ReDoc, you can expand the items in the left navigation pane and then scroll to find the commands that you want. You can copy each command to your development environment and customize it as needed. To view the API reference in ReDoc, enter the following URL in the browser address bar: |
The following Security APIs are available.
The Group API includes commands that you can use to retrieve and perform actions on a group.
Action |
Command |
Description |
Creates a group. |
Updates a specific group. |
Deletes a specific group. |
Gets a group. |
The Groups API includes a command that you can use to get all groups.
Action |
Command |
Description |
Gets all groups. |
The Memberships API includes commands that you can use to manage group-to-group and user-to-group relationships.
Action |
Command |
Description |
Creates a group-to-group relationship. |
Removes a group-to-group relationship. |
Gets users within a group. |
Gets a collection of group-to-group records. |
Creates a user-to-group relationship. |
Removes the user-to-group relationship for one or more users. |
Gets the groups in which a user is an implicit or explicit member. |
The Permission API includes commands that you can use to get information about permissions.
Action |
Command |
Description |
Checks permissions for the current user. |
Gets descriptions for all of the security permissions. |
Gets permissions information for the current user. |
The Roles API includes commands that you can use to create, update, and delete roles and to get a role or a list of roles.
Action |
Command |
Description |
Creates a new role. |
Updates an existing role. |
Retrieves a specific role. |
Deletes a role. |
Gets a list of available roles. |
The User API includes commands that you can use to get user information and properties and to create, update, and delete users.
Action |
Command |
Description |
Gets information about a specific user. |
Gets advanced properties for a specific user. |
Creates a new user. |
Updates the definition of a user. |
Deletes a user. |
Searches for a user that matches the specified criteria. |
Gets the two-factor authentication status for a user. |
Deletes the phone number that was configured for two-factor authentication for a user. |
Gets information about whether the backing identity provider supports two-factor authentication. |
The Users API includes a command that you can use to get a range of user information.
Action |
Command |
Description |
Gets a range of user information. |
Searches for one or more users that match the specified criteria. |