Actions YAML Reference for BarTender Cloud
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PrintBTWAction Class Reference

Prints a BarTender document. More...

Inherits PrintActionBase.


FileTarget DocumentFile [get, set]
 Specifies the file path of the BarTender document.
Currently, only Librarian file system path is supported. More...
bool CloseDocumentAfterPrint [get, set]
 Specifies whether to close the document after printing. The default value is false. More...
bool SaveAfterPrint [get, set]
 Specifies whether to save the document after printing. The default value is true. More...
bool SkipGenerateThumbnail [get, set]
 Specifies whether to skip generating a thumbnail preview after printing. Valid only when the value of SaveAfterPrint is true. The default value is true. More...
string Printer [get, set]
 Specifies the printer to use for the document print job.
For BarTender Cloud printing, the printer can be either PDF or the internet printer that is shared by the BarTender Print Gateway service. The printer ID must follow these rules: More...
string PaperTray [get, set]
 Specifies the paper tray to use for the print job. The default value is "", which specifies that the setting in the document is used. More...
string Copies [get, set]
 Specifies the number of copies to print per serial number. The default value is "", which specifies that the setting in the document is used. More...
string SerialNumbers [get, set]
 Specifies the number of serialized labels to print. The default value is "", which specifies that the setting in the document is used. More...
string RecordRange [get, set]
 Specifies the range of records to print. The default value is "", which specifies that the setting in the document is used. More...
string JobName [get, set]
 Specifies the name of the print job. The default value is "". More...
bool AllowStaticGraphics [get, set]
 Specifies whether static graphics are allowed. This property depends on the capability of the printer. More...
bool AllowStaticObjects [get, set]
 Specifies whether static objects are allowed. This property depends on the capability of the printer. More...
bool AllowSerialization [get, set]
 Specifies whether serialization is allowed. This property depends on the capability of the printer. More...
bool AllowVariableDataOptimization [get, set]
 Specifies whether variable data optimization is allowed. More...
bool AllowGraphicsCaching [get, set]
 Specifies whether graphics caching is allowed. This property depends on the capability of the printer. More...
bool AllowFormatCaching [get, set]
 Specifies whether template caching is allowed. This property depends on the capability of the printer. The default value is false. More...
bool WarnWhenUsingTrueTypeFonts [get, set]
 Specifies whether a warning message is displayed when TrueType fonts are used. This property depends on the capability of the printer. More...
MediaHandling MediaHandling [get, set]
 Specifies the printer media handling method. This property depends on the capability of the printer.
For more examples, see MediaHandling.
Example: More...
List< RecordSetData > DatabaseOverrides [get, set]
 Lists database override settings.
Example in which the TextDB1 database is overridden by TextDB1 from an EventData variable: More...
bool VerifyPrintJobIsComplete [get, set]
 Verifies that the print job has been printed before continuing. When the value of QueueAndContinue is true, the value of VerifyPrintJobIsComplete must be false, and vice versa. The default value is false.
The various combinations of QueueAndContinue and VerifyPrintJobIsComplete have the following meanings: More...
int PrintJobTimeout [get, set]
 Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that elapses while the print job is verified to be complete before the operation times out. Valid when VerifyPrintJobIsComplete is true.
A value of -1 specifies that the operation waits until the print job is complete. The default value is 0. More...
SerializableBinaryStringDictionary NamedDataSources [get, set]
 Specifies a dictionary of named data sources to use to override the values in the document before printing.
Example: More...
bool SavePrintedNamedDataSource [get, set]
 Specifies whether named data source values are copied to variables at the end of the print job. The default value is false. More...
string NamedDataSourcePrefix [get, set]
 Specifies the prefix for the variables to which the named data source values are saved. Valid only when the value of SavePrintedNamedDataSource is true. The default value is "". More...
List< QueryPromptData > QueryPrompts [get, set]
 Specifies a list of query prompts for the print job.
Example: More...
string PrintResponseVariable [get, set]
 Specifies the name of the variable to save the print response to. The default value is "Response". More...
string PrintToFileNameVariable [get, set]
 Specifies the variable to save the PDF printer output file name to. Available only when the printer is 'PDF' and the values of ReturnPrintData and ReturnPrintSummary are true. The default value is "PrintToFileName". More...
string PrintToFileFileName [get, set]
 Specifies the PDF output file name. Available only when the printer is 'PDF'. More...
FolderTarget PrintToFileFolder [get, set]
 Specifies the folder in which to save the PDF output files. Available only when the printer is 'PDF'. More...
bool MakeUniqueOutputFile [get, set]
 Specifies that the PDF output file name is made unique by adding a timestamp. Available only when the printer is 'PDF'. More...
int MaximumRetriesOnFailure [get, set]
 Specifies the maximum number of times to try to resend a failed print job. Valid only when the value of ResendFailedJobs is true. The default value is 1. More...
bool ResendFailedJobs [get, set]
 Specifies whether to resend the print job if it fails. The default value is true.
bool ReturnPrintData [get, set]
 Specifies whether print data is included in the response. The default value is false. More...
bool ReturnPrintSummary [get, set]
 Specifies whether the print summary is included in the response. The default value is false. More...
bool ReturnLabelData [get, set]
 Specifies whether label data is included in the response. The default value is false. More...
bool ReturnChecksum [get, set]
 Specifies whether the checksum is included in the response. The default value is false. More...
bool QueueAndContinue [get, set]
 Specifies whether to queue the print request and continue immediately. The default value is false. More...

Describes the common action properties for Actions and ActionGroups.

string Name [get, set]
 Specifies the name. This property cannot be empty and must be unique in the YAML script. More...
string Description [get, set]
 Specifies the description. The default value is "". More...
ActionRunType RunType [get, set]
 Runs the action by using one of the following types: More...
bool IgnoreErrors [get, set]
 Specifies whether to ignore errors and continue with the next action. Valid only for Action and ActionGroup. The default value is false. More...
int FailureRetries [get, set]
 Specifies the number of times that the action is retried if it fails. Available only for Action. The default value is 0. More...
int RetryInterval [get, set]
 Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, that elapses when a failed action is retried. Valid only when the value of FailureRetries is greater than 0. Available only for Action. The default value is 10000. More...

Detailed Description

Prints a BarTender document.

For common action properties, see IntegrationAction.

- PrintBTWAction:
DocumentFile: librarian://Main/Labels/Product.btw
Copies: 1
Action: PageBreak
Occurrence: AfterEveryRecord
- Name: TableDB
Type: VariableName
DataSourceVariableName: CurrentRecord
NamedDS1: 111
NamedDS2: 222
- Name: QueryPrompt1
Value: 111
- Name: QueryPrompt2
Value: 222
Name: Print BTW
# And more common action properties
bool ReturnLabelData
Specifies whether label data is included in the response. The default value is false.
Definition: PrintActionBase.Properties.cs:51
bool ReturnPrintData
Specifies whether print data is included in the response. The default value is false.
Definition: PrintActionBase.Properties.cs:35
bool ReturnPrintSummary
Specifies whether the print summary is included in the response. The default value is false.
Definition: PrintActionBase.Properties.cs:43
List< QueryPromptData > QueryPrompts
Specifies a list of query prompts for the print job. Example:
Definition: PrintBTWAction.Properties.cs:459
bool VerifyPrintJobIsComplete
Verifies that the print job has been printed before continuing. When the value of QueueAndContinue is...
Definition: PrintBTWAction.Properties.cs:402
string RecordRange
Specifies the range of records to print. The default value is "", which specifies that the setting in...
Definition: PrintBTWAction.Properties.cs:286
string Printer
Specifies the printer to use for the document print job. For BarTender Cloud printing,...
Definition: PrintBTWAction.Properties.cs:253
string Copies
Specifies the number of copies to print per serial number. The default value is "",...
Definition: PrintBTWAction.Properties.cs:270
MediaHandling MediaHandling
Specifies the printer media handling method. This property depends on the capability of the printer....
Definition: PrintBTWAction.Properties.cs:369
FileTarget DocumentFile
Specifies the file path of the BarTender document. Currently, only Librarian file system path is sup...
Definition: PrintBTWAction.Properties.cs:201
SerializableBinaryStringDictionary NamedDataSources
Specifies a dictionary of named data sources to use to override the values in the document before pri...
Definition: PrintBTWAction.Properties.cs:425
int PrintJobTimeout
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that elapses while the print job is verified to be com...
Definition: PrintBTWAction.Properties.cs:412
List< RecordSetData > DatabaseOverrides
Lists database override settings. Example in which the TextDB1 database is overridden by TextDB1 fro...
Definition: PrintBTWAction.Properties.cs:390
string Name
Specifies the name. This property cannot be empty and must be unique in the YAML script.
Definition: IntegrationAction.Properties.cs:87

Property Documentation

◆ DocumentFile

FileTarget DocumentFile

Specifies the file path of the BarTender document.
Currently, only Librarian file system path is supported.

◆ CloseDocumentAfterPrint

bool CloseDocumentAfterPrint

Specifies whether to close the document after printing. The default value is false.

◆ SaveAfterPrint

bool SaveAfterPrint

Specifies whether to save the document after printing. The default value is true.

◆ SkipGenerateThumbnail

bool SkipGenerateThumbnail

Specifies whether to skip generating a thumbnail preview after printing. Valid only when the value of SaveAfterPrint is true. The default value is true.

◆ Printer

string Printer

Specifies the printer to use for the document print job.
For BarTender Cloud printing, the printer can be either PDF or the internet printer that is shared by the BarTender Print Gateway service. The printer ID must follow these rules:

  • Use the "printer:" prefix.
  • Remove the UNC "\\" prefix.
  • Replace all spaces with underscores.
  • Replace all backslashes () in the path with slashes (/).

For example, to specify the following printer:
\\\Zebra 110Xi4(300 dpi)
Use the following printer ID:

◆ PaperTray

string PaperTray

Specifies the paper tray to use for the print job. The default value is "", which specifies that the setting in the document is used.

◆ Copies

string Copies

Specifies the number of copies to print per serial number. The default value is "", which specifies that the setting in the document is used.

◆ SerialNumbers

string SerialNumbers

Specifies the number of serialized labels to print. The default value is "", which specifies that the setting in the document is used.

◆ RecordRange

string RecordRange

Specifies the range of records to print. The default value is "", which specifies that the setting in the document is used.

◆ JobName

string JobName

Specifies the name of the print job. The default value is "".

◆ AllowStaticGraphics

bool AllowStaticGraphics

Specifies whether static graphics are allowed. This property depends on the capability of the printer.

◆ AllowStaticObjects

bool AllowStaticObjects

Specifies whether static objects are allowed. This property depends on the capability of the printer.

◆ AllowSerialization

bool AllowSerialization

Specifies whether serialization is allowed. This property depends on the capability of the printer.

◆ AllowVariableDataOptimization

bool AllowVariableDataOptimization

Specifies whether variable data optimization is allowed.

◆ AllowGraphicsCaching

bool AllowGraphicsCaching

Specifies whether graphics caching is allowed. This property depends on the capability of the printer.

◆ AllowFormatCaching

bool AllowFormatCaching

Specifies whether template caching is allowed. This property depends on the capability of the printer. The default value is false.

◆ WarnWhenUsingTrueTypeFonts

bool WarnWhenUsingTrueTypeFonts

Specifies whether a warning message is displayed when TrueType fonts are used. This property depends on the capability of the printer.

◆ MediaHandling

Specifies the printer media handling method. This property depends on the capability of the printer.
For more examples, see MediaHandling.

Action: PageBreak
Occurrence: AfterEveryRecord

◆ DatabaseOverrides

List<RecordSetData> DatabaseOverrides

Lists database override settings.
Example in which the TextDB1 database is overridden by TextDB1 from an EventData variable:

- Name: TextDB1
Type: VariableName
DataSourceVariableName: EventData

Example in which the first document database is overridden without specifying a name:

- Type: VariableName
DataSourceVariableName: EventData

◆ VerifyPrintJobIsComplete

bool VerifyPrintJobIsComplete

Verifies that the print job has been printed before continuing. When the value of QueueAndContinue is true, the value of VerifyPrintJobIsComplete must be false, and vice versa. The default value is false.
The various combinations of QueueAndContinue and VerifyPrintJobIsComplete have the following meanings:

  • QueueAndContinue (true), VerifyPrintJobIsComplete (false): Queue the print job and continue immediately.
  • QueueAndContinue (false), VerifyPrintJobIsComplete (false): Verify that the print job has been processed before continuing.
  • QueueAndContinue (false), VerifyPrintJobIsComplete (true): Verify that the print job has been printed before continuing.

◆ PrintJobTimeout

int PrintJobTimeout

Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that elapses while the print job is verified to be complete before the operation times out. Valid when VerifyPrintJobIsComplete is true.
A value of -1 specifies that the operation waits until the print job is complete. The default value is 0.

◆ NamedDataSources

SerializableBinaryStringDictionary NamedDataSources

Specifies a dictionary of named data sources to use to override the values in the document before printing.

NamedDS1: 111
NamedDS2: 222

◆ SavePrintedNamedDataSource

bool SavePrintedNamedDataSource

Specifies whether named data source values are copied to variables at the end of the print job. The default value is false.

◆ NamedDataSourcePrefix

string NamedDataSourcePrefix

Specifies the prefix for the variables to which the named data source values are saved. Valid only when the value of SavePrintedNamedDataSource is true. The default value is "".

◆ QueryPrompts

List<QueryPromptData> QueryPrompts

Specifies a list of query prompts for the print job.

- Name: QueryPrompt1
Value: 111
- Name: QueryPrompt2
Value: 222

◆ PrintResponseVariable

string PrintResponseVariable

Specifies the name of the variable to save the print response to. The default value is "Response".

◆ PrintToFileNameVariable

string PrintToFileNameVariable

Specifies the variable to save the PDF printer output file name to. Available only when the printer is 'PDF' and the values of ReturnPrintData and ReturnPrintSummary are true. The default value is "PrintToFileName".

◆ PrintToFileFileName

string PrintToFileFileName

Specifies the PDF output file name. Available only when the printer is 'PDF'.

◆ PrintToFileFolder

FolderTarget PrintToFileFolder

Specifies the folder in which to save the PDF output files. Available only when the printer is 'PDF'.

◆ MakeUniqueOutputFile

bool MakeUniqueOutputFile

Specifies that the PDF output file name is made unique by adding a timestamp. Available only when the printer is 'PDF'.

◆ MaximumRetriesOnFailure

int MaximumRetriesOnFailure

Specifies the maximum number of times to try to resend a failed print job. Valid only when the value of ResendFailedJobs is true. The default value is 1.

◆ ReturnPrintData

bool ReturnPrintData

Specifies whether print data is included in the response. The default value is false.

◆ ReturnPrintSummary

bool ReturnPrintSummary

Specifies whether the print summary is included in the response. The default value is false.

◆ ReturnLabelData

bool ReturnLabelData

Specifies whether label data is included in the response. The default value is false.

◆ ReturnChecksum

bool ReturnChecksum

Specifies whether the checksum is included in the response. The default value is false.

◆ QueueAndContinue

bool QueueAndContinue

Specifies whether to queue the print request and continue immediately. The default value is false.

◆ Name

string Name

Specifies the name. This property cannot be empty and must be unique in the YAML script.

◆ Description

string Description

Specifies the description. The default value is "".

◆ RunType

ActionRunType RunType

Runs the action by using one of the following types:

  • Always (default)
  • Never

◆ IgnoreErrors

bool IgnoreErrors

Specifies whether to ignore errors and continue with the next action. Valid only for Action and ActionGroup. The default value is false.

◆ FailureRetries

int FailureRetries

Specifies the number of times that the action is retried if it fails. Available only for Action. The default value is 0.

◆ RetryInterval

int RetryInterval

Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, that elapses when a failed action is retried. Valid only when the value of FailureRetries is greater than 0. Available only for Action. The default value is 10000.

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