Color Fields

A color field is a colored area that surrounds part of the Data Matrix portion of a 2D-Pharmacode barcode. Color fields are used to verify the data input that is read by scanners that can be configured to accept certain color combinations.

You can use the Color Fields option to add up to eight color fields to the Data Matrix code. When these fields are laid out correctly, the barcode symbol can be read and the color verified regardless of orientation. For color fields to be read correctly, the colors that you select must stand out sufficiently against the background color of the symbol.

The following options are available:

For each color field in your barcode, use the Field list to select the field that you want, and then verify that the color that you want appears in the Color field. To select a different color, click the Color field, and then use the Color Picker to select the color that you want. For more information, refer to Color Picker.

You can use the same color for multiple color fields.