Picture Adjustments Property Page

Use the Picture Adjustments property page to modify and render pictures on your template or data entry form. When you change any of the settings, the displayed image is updated to reflect the changes. By using the Picture Adjustments property page, you can adjust the color, focus, or rotation of the selected picture object.

You can access this property page from both the Template Design view and the Data Entry Form view, as follows: 

The options that are described here are also included on the Picture Corrections tab in the Background Image Processing dialog. For more information, refer to Background Image Processing Dialog.

The following options are available.

Color Adjustment

Blur and Sharpen


When you use the Rotate or Shear options, the effects are applied to the image before any cropping is done. To rotate an image after you crop it, use the Rotation option on the Position property page.

Supported Objects

This property page is available for the following types of objects: