RFID Property Page

Use the options on the RFID property page to specify encoder-specific properties for the selected encoder object.

For more information about magnetic stripe, RFID, and smart card encoding technologies, refer to Supported Encoding Technologies.

The following options are available:

Lock after writing data is available only when the encoder type is RAIN RFID - EPC or RAIN RFID - ISO, you selected Lock Permanently for the User Block option on the Security property page, and you selected Lock modified blocks when specified in the User Memory Access Control Options dialog.

Data Location

The Data Location options specify what part of the transponder should be programmed at print time and whether the programming is protected from later reprogramming. The options that are available depend on the RFID tag type that you select and include the following:

Data Format

Encoder Options: Opens the printer driver's RFID Options dialog.

DIN SPEC 91406: Specifies that the RFID encoder conforms to the DIN SPEC 91406 standard specifications. Available for encoder types that support DIN SPEC 91406.

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