Human Readable Property Page

The characters that are encoded in a barcode are usually displayed below the barcode as human readable characters. If a barcode reader does not function correctly (or is not installed), the person who performs the data entry can read the human readable characters and enter the information into the computer by using the keyboard.

Use the Human Readable property page to specify exactly how you want the human readable characters to be printed with your barcode (or whether you want them to be printed at all). Like the Symbology and Size property page, the Human Readable property page contains a dynamic area that displays different options depending on the barcode symbology that is selected.


Although most barcodes are printed with the human readable characters displayed, sometimes it is more advantageous not to display the human readable characters. One of the main reasons for not displaying the human readable characters is to provide a slight measure of added data security.

The following visibility options are available: 


Symbology Specific Options

Not all options are available for all symbologies.

Human Readable Transforms

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