Font Property Page

Use the Font property page to specify font style for text objects, the human readable characters of barcode objects, and the text component of some data entry controls. The options that are available depend on whether you are configuring an object on the template or an object or control on the data entry form.


In the Template Design view, you can access the Font property page from the Object Properties dialog of a text or barcode object.

ClosedTo open the Font property page from the Object properties dialog

  1. Double-click the object that you want to edit to open the Object Properties dialog. Alternatively, right-click the object, and then click Properties.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click Font to open the Font property page.

Alternatively, for text objects, you can use the Fonts dialog to specify font properties. To learn how to access the Fonts dialog, refer to Changing an Object's Font Style.

The following options are available:

In addition, the following tabs are available.

ClosedStyle Tab

Use the Style tab to specify the following options for the text in the selected object:

  • White On Black: Specifies that the text appears as white characters on a black background.

  • Foreground Color: Displays the currently selected color and/or pattern of the text. To select a different color or pattern, click this option, and then use the Color Picker to select the color or pattern that you want. For more information, refer to Changing an Object's Color.

  • Background Color: Displays the currently selected color and/or pattern that appears behind the text. To select a different color or pattern, click this option, and then use the Color Picker to select the color or pattern that you want. For more information, refer to Changing an Object's Color.

  • Subscript: Specifies that the text is offset below the baseline and slightly reduced in font size.

  • Superscript: Specifies that the text is offset above the baseline and slightly reduced in font size.

  • Small Caps: Changes all lowercase letters in the object to their uppercase equivalents and reduces them to 80 percent of the selected font size. This feature is supported only for those character sets that have the concept of lowercase letters, which includes Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic. This feature is not supported for symbol fonts or printer fonts.

ClosedUnderline Tab

Use the Underline tab to create underlined text in the selected object and to specify the appearance of the underline.

  • Underline: Applies the underline font style to the selected text.

  • Style: Specifies the line style of the underline.

  • Words only: Specifies that white space (including spaces and tabs) and some special characters are not underlined.

  • Color: Displays the currently selected color of the underline. To select a different color, click this option, and then use the Color Picker to select the color that you want. For more information, refer to Changing an Object's Color.

ClosedStrikethrough Tab

Use the Strikethrough tab to add a strikethrough line to the text in the selected object and to specify the appearance of the strikethrough line.

  • Strikethrough: Applies the strikethrough font style to the selected text.

  • Style: Specifies the line style of the strikethrough line.

  • Words only: Specifies that white space (including spaces and tabs) and some special characters do not display the strikethrough line.

  • Color: Displays the currently selected color of the strikethrough line. To select a different color, click this option, and then use the Color Picker to select the color that you want. For more information, refer to Changing an Object's Color.

ClosedOutline Tab

Use the Outline tab to specify that a line borders each of the characters in the selected object and to specify the appearance of the outline.

  • Outline: Specifies that a line borders the interior and exterior edges of each character of the text.

  • Thickness: Specifies the thickness of the line that borders each of the text characters.

  • Color: Displays the currently selected color of the line that borders each of the text characters. To select a different color, click this option, and then use the Color Picker to select the color that you want. For more information, refer to Changing an Object's Color.

  • Dash Style: Specifies the frequency and size of spaces that appear along the lines that border each of the characters.

  • Compound Style: Specifies the number and pattern of the lines that border each of the characters.

ClosedWidth Tab

Use the Width tab to specify scale, spacing, and kerning options for the selected object.

  • Scale: Specifies the degree to which the text in the selected object is compressed or stretched. If Automatically fit text to specified dimensions is selected on the Auto Fit property page, then the Scale value is overridden by the maximum value that is specified for the Adjust font scale width setting on the Auto Fit property page.

  • Spacing Adjustment: Specifies the amount of space that is uniformly inserted between each of the characters in the selected object. By using this option, you can manually move characters closer together by using a value that is less than 100 percent and space the characters farther apart by using a value that is greater than 100 percent.

  • Kerning: Automatically adjusts the space between character pairs to obtain an easily readable font. When this option is not selected, each character is spaced evenly from the characters on either side of it, which produces a non-uniform appearance for a string of characters. When you enable kerning, BarTender adjusts the space between each pair of characters to improve the overall appearance of the text.

    For example, consider the letter pair "AW". Without kerning, these two letters, although adjacent, appear to be further apart than others do in a word. With kerning enabled, BarTender takes this into account and decreases the space between these two letters. This adjustment is illustrated as follows.

    When kerning is not enabled, the space between the letters A and W appears much greater than that between the S and A.

    When kerning is enabled, the space between the letters A and W is decreased, which produces a more uniform appearance for the text.

ClosedAdvanced Tab

Use the Advanced tab to specify the following options for the selected object:

  • Baseline offset: Specifies how far above or below the baseline you want the text to appear for the selected object. Enter a positive value to offset the text above the baseline or a negative number to offset the text below the baseline. Typically, the text object resizes itself to accommodate the extra space that is added with the offset.

  • The baseline is the line on which the letters sit.

    The following images illustrate how the offset affects the positioning of the baseline, which is represented here by a solid blue line.

    When no offset is specified, the text sits on the baseline.

    When you specify a positive offset, the text appears above the baseline by the amount that you specify.

    When you specify a negative offset, the text appears below the baseline by the amount that you specify.

  • Script: Specifies the script that determines the set of rules that are used for line breaks and for converting characters to uppercase or lowercase. Because BarTender is a Unicode application, characters from any script that is supported by the selected font can be included in a single string.

  • Substitute best matching printer font: Replaces the selected TrueType font with a font that is built into your thermal printer. For more information, refer to Substitute Best Matching Printer Font. Available only for thermal printers that are installed with Drivers by Seagullâ„¢.

  • Slashed zero: Adds a slash through all numeric 0 (zero) characters. This can help distinguish 0 (zero) characters from O (alphabetical letter "o") characters. The slashed zero and dotted zero options are mutually exclusive.

  • Dotted zero: Adds a dot to the center of all numeric 0 (zero) characters. This can help distinguish 0 (zero) characters from O (alphabetical letter "o") characters. The dotted zero and slashed zero options are mutually exclusive.

Supported Objects

This property page is available for the following types of text objects:

For more information, refer to Types of Text Objects.

ClosedData Entry Form

In the Data Entry Form view, you can access the Font property page from the Control Properties dialog for a supported control and from the Object Properties dialog for a text object.

The following options are available:

In addition, the following tabs are available.

ClosedStyle Tab

Use the Style tab to specify the following options for the text in the selected object or control:

  • Foreground Color: Displays the currently selected color and/or pattern of the text. To select a different color or pattern, click this option, and then use the Color Picker to select the color or pattern that you want. For more information, refer to Changing an Object's Color.

  • Background Color: Displays the currently selected color and/or pattern that appears behind the text. To select a different color or pattern, click this option, and then use the Color Picker to select the color or pattern that you want. For more information, refer to Changing an Object's Color.

  • Underline: Applies the underline font style to the selected text.

  • Strikethrough: Applies the strikethrough font style to the selected text.

ClosedAdvanced Tab

Use the Advanced tab to specify the following options for the selected object or cnotrol:

  • Baseline Offset: This feature is not supported for data entry form text objects or controls.

  • Script: Specifies the script that determines the set of rules that are used for line breaks and for converting characters to uppercase or lowercase. Because BarTender is a Unicode application, characters from any script that is supported by the selected font can be included in a single string.

  • Slashed Zero: This feature is not supported for data entry form text objects or controls.

  • Dotted Zero: This feature is not supported for data entry form text objects or controls.

Supported Objects and Controls

This property page is available for the following types of text objects:

For more information, refer to Text Object.

This property page is available for the following data entry controls:

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