Global Variables

Global variables can be referenced by any event or action in a particular BarTender document. The variable value can be read or written to at any time while the event is running, and it is reset for each new event.

ClosedTo view global variables by using the Options page

  1. In the left navigation pane on the Administration tab, click Options to open the Options page.

  2. View predefined global variables in the Predefined Global Variables list.

  3. View custom global variables in the Custom Global Variables list.

For information about how to create custom global variables, refer to Creating Custom Variables.

ClosedTo add a global variable by using the Insert Variable dialog

  1. In the Events pane of the Create view, click the action that you want. For example, click Print Document.

  2. In the properties tab, click in a field that supports variables. The Insert Variable control in the toolbar becomes available. For example, click in the Document field.

  3. Click , and then click More Variables to open the Insert Variable dialog.

  4. In the left navigation pane of the Insert Variable dialog, click Global to display a list of all predefined and custom global variables for the selected event.

  5. Click the variable that you want, and then click OK to close the dialog and insert the variable in the property input field. Alternatively, double-click the variable.

If you need to add a custom global variable, refer to Creating Custom Variables.

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