Email Detection Property Page |
Use the Email Detection property page to configure the following properties for your integration.
Inbox Settings
Email Address: Specifies the email address for the email inbox that the Integration Service will monitor. The email address that is specified here is also used for the email address property on the Mail Server property page.
Check Inbox Every: Specifies how often the Integration Service checks the inbox for the trigger email.
Subject: Specifies the subject line that uniquely identifies the email as the trigger email. Enter the subject line that you want to use. Alternatively, you can add a variable to specify the trigger email or add a special character to the value that you have entered.
Use Regular Expression: Specifies that the Integration Service uses regular expressions to identify the trigger email's subject line. When you select this option, you can add regular expression modifiers to the previous property for more control over the search criteria.
When Mail Arrives: Specifies that the trigger email is either deleted or forwarded and deleted.
Forward Email To: Specifies the email address that you want the trigger email forwarded to.
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