Scheduling Database Maintenance

Because the BarTender System Database becomes larger as more messages are logged, you should plan to archive your oldest logged information on a recurring schedule. When you do this, you optimize the BarTender System Database by freeing up additional space.

ClosedTo schedule database maintenance

  1. In the left navigation pane of Administration Console, click System Database.

  2. Under System Database, click Maintenance to open the Maintenance page.

  3. Click to select the Enable scheduled database maintenance check box .

  4. In the Run Maintenance list, select Daily or Weekly to specify how often want to run the scheduled maintenance.

  5. In the Day list, select the day of the week on which you want to run the scheduled maintenance. Available when the Run Maintenance option is set to Weekly.

  6. In the Time list, select the time of day at which you want to run the scheduled maintenance.

  7. Use the lists for Database Maintenance will delete records older than to specify the age of the records that you want to be deleted each time the maintenance task runs. For example, if you specify "2 Weeks", all records that are older than two weeks are deleted each time the maintenance task runs.

  8. Optionally, click to select the Archive deleted records check box if you want to archive the deleted records.

  9. In the File field, enter the path and file name that you want to use for the archived file. Alternatively, click Browse to browse to the location where you want to save the archived file. Available when Archive deleted records is selected.

  10. Optionally, click to select the Append date and time to archive file check box to specify that a date and time are appended to the archive file name. Available when Archive deleted records is selected.

  11. Click Apply to apply the settings. Alternatively, click OK to apply the settings and close Administration Console.

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