Adding a Color or Pattern to the Template Background

Use the Background color option on the Page Setup dialog to add a color, pattern, gradient, texture, or picture to the background of your template.此選項位於「頁面設定」對話方塊中「背景」索引標籤的「色彩」子索引標籤上。

關閉To add a color to the background

  1. 按一下「檔案」功能表上的「頁面設定」。或者,按一下主工具列上的 ,或按兩下範本的空白區域。

  2. 按一下「背景」索引標籤 (如果未選取)。

  3. 按一下「顏色」子索引標籤。

  4. Click the Background color list, and then select the color that you want in the Color Picker.如需更多資訊,請參閱「色彩選取器」。

  5. Configure the settings that you want in the Options area.For more information, refer to Page Setup Dialog.

  6. 按一下「確定」以關閉「頁面設定」對話方塊。

關閉To add a pattern, gradient, texture, or picture to the background

  1. 按一下「檔案」功能表上的「頁面設定」。或者,按一下主工具列上的 ,或按兩下範本的空白區域。

  2. 按一下「背景」索引標籤 (如果未選取)。

  3. 按一下「顏色」子索引標籤。

  4. Click the Background color field, and then click Gradient, Pattern, or Texture in the Color Picker.

  5. In the More Fill Options dialog, select and then configure the effect that you want.For more information, refer to More Fill Options Dialog.

  6. Click OK to close the More Fill Options dialog.

  7. Configure the settings that you want in the Options area.For more information, refer to Page Setup Dialog.

  8. 按一下「確定」以關閉「頁面設定」對話方塊。

關閉To change an existing background effect

  1. 按一下「檔案」功能表上的「頁面設定」。或者,按一下主工具列上的 ,或按兩下範本的空白區域。

  2. 按一下「背景」索引標籤 (如果未選取)。

  3. 按一下「顏色」子索引標籤。

  4. Click the Background color list, and then select and configure the effect that you want in the More Fill Options dialog.For more information, refer to More Fill Options Dialog.

  5. Click OK to close the More Fill Options dialog.

  6. Configure the settings that you want in the Options area.For more information, refer to Page Setup Dialog.

  7. 按一下「確定」以關閉「頁面設定」對話方塊。
