名稱 (印表機)

The Name option in the Print dialog specifies the printer to which BarTender sends the print job.Use this option to select a printer from a list of all installed Windows printers.The default setting is the printer that was last specified as the default printer in the Printers dialog of Windows Control Panel.Several of the selected printer's settings are displayed immediately below the Name option.

為方便起見,印表機設定會儲存為 BarTender 文件的一部分。Therefore, the next time that you need to print the same items, all you need to do is load the document and print it.

When a document is loaded, BarTender looks for a printer that has exactly the same name (including spaces and punctuation marks) as the printer that was selected the last time the document was saved.如果沒有找到,它就會尋找相同類型的印表機並使用找到的第一台印表機。如果也找不到相同類型的印表機,就會使用 Windows 預設印表機。

To make sure that your template is configured to have the correct printer specifications, we recommend that you select a printer before you begin to design your templates.This is especially true if your design contains barcodes.The different barcode density ranges for laser and dot matrix printers might affect the size of the barcode that fits on your item.For example, a barcode that is printed by a laser printer will be shorter than the same barcode that is printed by a high resolution thermal printer.
